Saturday, February 27, 2010

Carbo Crash!

Last night Sandy and I went to Branson (a tourist town) and enjoyed a nice dinner at Macaroni Grill. I had the spaghetti and meatballs! Oh man was it good! Only prob? I think I carbo crashed! I was draggy and slow today. Truth is, probably not the case but I need to blame something! Just one of those days when you feel like you are dragging a ton of bricks. When I got to the hill repeats I began to feel some better. I am debating whether or not to begin 10% increase next week. The stinkin' heel flared up yesterday as we walked miles at Branson. Frustrating? It's been feeling so good and now...suddenly it's back. Boo!
30 minutes 4x hill repeats-peace!


Anne said...

Ain't that always the case with recurring injuries, where it's not running but just plain ol' walking that disturbs that delicate balance. I hope the heel heals soon, especially if you're getting ready to ramp up.

Tina @GottaRunNow said...

The spaghetti sounds good. I think I like their pizza - it's been a while since I've been to MG. Sorry about your heel - no fun!

Unknown said...

Watch the hills if your heel is acting up...those down hills are unforgiving! I love Macaroni Grill!

Lindsay said...

i used to be all about carbo-loading and pasta dinners w/ running... but now i wonder if they make me feel 'heavy' on long run day? that's how i felt today anyway and i had lasagna last night. but like you said, maybe it was just a sluggish day and not the food.

hope your heel isn't acting up again 'for real'!

Beth said...

Boo, heel, boo! I hope the heel starts behaving itself as you are doing so well. Hang in there!

DawnB said...

hope its nothing serious maybe rice for a day or two will help

Marlene said...

If you don't eat a heavy meal like that often, I can certainly see how you might feel sluggish and draggy the next day. I'm suffering from a major food hangover from eating too many treats during the hockey game yesterday. My body is just not used to this anymore! (a good thing!)


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...