Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm Back!!!!

We are in! The move went pretty good. Not to much damage in transit. A few nicks, cuts, bruises, I lost the power cord to my desk top? Besides that, a little frustration with the phone service etc. I have been able to run twice since we've moved, with my new Garmin!! It is really a cool watch! I don't see how I ran without one! 5.2 miles of trails Monday. Steep, rugged terrain. 5.11 miles of Center road yesterday. I'll call it the 2K hill run. There is a hill that is about 12 tenths long on this road and it is a butt kicker! Today, too many chores, errands, etc. I'll probably not run.
As to the dogs...about a quarter mile down either way I must contend with dogs. To the East, three big ones, German Shepherd, Saint Bernard, and, O boy, a Rottweiler!
The other way, three mixed breeds that yap endlessly! I decided to carry a walking stick as a weapon!? The big dogs ran viciously towards me but I tried to speak kindly, they didn't respond to I warned them in an authoritative (?) voice.."you better not come out into the road!"
They stopped!!! On the way back they didn't even run to the road! I hope they'll see fit to leave me alone.
Well I hope to catch up on reading your blogs asap. I wish all of you getting ready for an upcoming race the best. Still have much to do around here. Peace!


Aron said...

glad the move went well!!!

my rottie is a big sweetheart :)

Beth said...

So glad you are back on line and enjoying your Garmin. I love mine so much that I get a thrill out of seeing other people fall in love with theirs. Way to take care of those dogs!

jel said...

WOOHOO!!!!!!!! your back ;)

Bob A said...

I hope the dogs get bored with you quickly.

Marlene said...

Good to hear from you! Glad to hear the move went well and you've been out enjoying your new Garmin already.


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...