Monday, June 15, 2009


Today is my long run day. Regardless of any training program the long(er) run is still a very important part of a long distance runners regime. So with that mentality I set out with 15 miles on the mind today. The majority of the distance was on trails. These trails really take it out of you. Lots of larger stones and rocks so it's really very rough. I enjoy it but it really sucks the energy. I pushed up "Cobb Ridge" with the goal of making it to Highway "H". I made it to the Highway but I knew I was in deep doo doo as I turned for home. My water was running out, and I felt like I needed to walk. I was nearly toast and still 7 miles from home and the trail loomed ahead.

I knew that I had two choices, sit down and die, or keep pushing for home and water. So I began to walk, jog, walk, jog, etc. All the way home. When I got in I saw that it was 93 degrees with 66% humidity. I was definitely drained. I have to think that this run will be beneficial to my long distance running, but it is an entirely different style of running. I did a lot of exploring today, too. I took a few rugged trails that shot off the main trail. I came across an old falling down house! In the middle of the forest! I stood there wondering about what the people were like, what life was like those many years ago when someone lived here? Oh, I saw a Raccoon today, too!

So, 14.42 miles in the books. I will rest tomorrow and Wednesday is my "rolling Hills" run.

Saw one Mountain Biker today. Funny? He passed me and didn't say anything...odd? Then up ahead he jumps off his bike, throws off his helmet, lays down the bike and walks around in circles with his hands on his hips, (I'm thinking..."Back away very slowly") I ask him if he's okay and he says yeah, just sucking air. So I move along, never to see him again?!

Hope all's well with you!


Jamie said...

Way to get through a steamy run. Be sure to carry enough fluids with you during the summer!

Marlene said...

Good job making it through a tough run. It will make you stronger!

Very strange story about the mountain biker...

kara said...

I would never run in that heat. WTG! on making it through. Tough stuff, but
imagine having a fur coat the racoon you saw : )

Aron said...

wow that sounds like a really tough run, especially in the heat! great job making it through!

Beth said...

I don't know how you can run in that heat and humidity. Good for you sticking with it. Interesting about the biker. I guess he has a temper?


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...