Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today, driving home from the church, I saw other runners on my roads!!!!!! I am not alone out here!!! I am so excited! I wanted to stop, get out and chat....but I'm a runner and that would've been weird?!
The two of them were coming down my road as I was hauling firewood into the garage but I think they turned around as the dogs began to bark and chase them, I was going to assure them they wouldn't attack! Remember all my experiences out here with the neighborhood attack dogs!
Anyway, I am kind of glad I am not alone out here! Today was a good day for me on the roads. I felt better today than I have in a long, long time. My pace was stronger and my body seems to be responding to recent runs.
I still am keeping all my runs at 30 minutes with hill repeats. I did five today! Well, the big snowstorm is on its way. We are expecting 6-12 inches. Hope all's well with you! Peace!


jel said...

if ya go running friday be careful,

be sure and wear somthing bright so they can find ya if ya get in a snowdrift! :)

Unknown said...

I loved your enthusiasm to meet the runners, too cute. Didn't want to come on too strong? I would have chased them down the street. That's how I roll.

Beth said...

You have tamed the dogs, that is for sure. Glad that you are feeling strong and enthusiastic. Enjoy the snow!

ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

I look at other runners like, CAN I COME OUT AND PLAY WITH YOU!!!

Marlene said...

Hey, maybe you'll end up finding a running buddy or two!

Tina @GottaRunNow said...

I live on a great street (just moved here last fall). I see runners out there all of the time. It's great!

jel said...

mark, if ya running in this, you are one brave soul!

take care

Lindsay said...

where i was staying a few months ago (been living out of state for work for almost a year) i ran sometimes on the shoulder of a 4-lane highway. when i saw others running on the shoulder driving home from work one day i ALMOST pulled over to talk to them but then i thought they miiiight be weirded out by that :)


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...