Saturday, January 17, 2009

Fast off my feet

Today was a retirement run for my white and black Asic Kayanos. I decided to do a tempo run of thirty minutes after a good warm-up. It was a pretty good effort with 5.0 miles total in 44:29.51. The thirty minutes of tempo running was averaging 8:18's but the last mile was sub eight I'm sure. I felt real strong regardless of the fall I took. Yep, right after I launched into the tempo run I had to transition from sidewalk to road, my left toe caught the curb, then the left leg could not catch up to where it was supposed to be...face first into the asphalt! Still, even with asphalt closing in on my teeth I decided to go with the momentum of the fall and rolled on my right side, elbow, shoulder, hip, and voila'! Back on my feet! "Fast off my feet!" I thought! Plus "Who saw?" Still I sustained some scrapes but nothing to cry about. I wanted to philosophize about this but it was simply an accident and they do occur. Thankfully I was fast off my feet! Hope you are, too. Peace

1 comment:

Love to Run said...

You were lucky on your fall. If you recall reading in my blog, a week and a half ago I had a nasty fall on ice that I am still recovering from.

By the way, I ran the Icebreaker Marathon today, I will post a race report tonight or tomorrow.

Hope you are feeling OK from the fall. Sometimes they hurt the next day, I hope not in this case.


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...