Friday, May 1, 2009

Redbridge Road

So, every run save one will be an out and back run. Yesterday I ventured out onto Highway W. Now mind you we are out in the boonies! This highway is two lane, 55 mph. It is banked like Talledega on the curves so this will require some getting used to...
My main concern is, of course, the dogs...and there were plenty! Not one came out onto the road after me, but a golden Lab-like one came helter skelter towards me but stopped like he was shot right at the road.
Otherwise they just looked at me...they are hillbilly dogs...looking at me just like the cows did...thinking.."what's up with the human? Why is he running?"
This new route is rolling hills, very beautiful! Views of the Ozarks Mtns. I loved it! 6.35 miles (note the exactness now of dist. due to the Garmin effect!)
So I have Bull creek turnaround, Redbridge turnaround. My next adventure will be back to W but the other direction to Cash spring road.
Today I go to the "Ponderosa" Bluegrass festival. We play just before Rhonda Vincent and the Rage. This is a big deal for our group. I may try to get some video.
I got my 305 trees in the mail yesterday! I've planted 15 of them!? It's hard work but the effort is worth it, I've always loved trees, birds, etc. So I'm planting pines, and wildlife cover type plants.
I know many of you are getting ready to race. Wish I was but I'm still kind of recovering from my recent marathon. Best of luck to you and Godspeed!! Peace!!


Marlene said...

It must be kind of run exploring new running routes. I'm sure they'll feel like "home" before long. Have a great weekend!

jel said...

that is a cool shot

did ya take that picture of the bridge?

hillbilly dogs,are just like hillbilly people , ya see something runing in the hills,
it's one of 2 things, "being chased or chasing something! :)

Beth said...

Sounds like you have a beautiful area to run. Love the picture of the covered bridge. Bluegrass Festival sounds like fun, can't wait to hear about it!

kara said...

Planting trees - very important.


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...