Thursday, July 30, 2009

Slow and steady

What's up with July?!! We have had over 7 inches of rain in the last two weeks, and the temps have been in the upper 70's and low 80's! It's been fantastic!! Today, another half inch of rain, and 73 degrees! I expect the dog days will show up eventually!
Today was a recovery run, keeping the pace no slower than 11:20's or faster than 10:15's. I was really stiff and sore from the repeats yesterday. Recovery runs are good! The body gets a chance to loosen up and work out the soreness. After two miles I felt good and had to restrain the desire to pick up the pace. I kept thinking slow and steady.
I've also decided to go back to the track tomorrow. In this building phase I think reducing hills is probably okay. I will still keep at least one hill run per week, but the stress on the heel must be alleviated.
As I was running I asked myself the question what is most important in marathon training? I came up with lots of answers! It is probably impossible to pick one element. Everything fits together, like putting a jigsaw puzzle together, diet, rest, training, etc. But I do know about one very important principle that holds true. You'll hear me talking about it constantly, it's the SAID principle. Specific adaption to imposed demands. So one thing that is imperative is finding that marathon pace and training at it! Through this next phase I will be preparing myself to find this pace and begin to train my body to know it and hold it. What elements have you found essential for your marathons?

Tots-4.05/ 44:25/ 10:58's- Peace!


Marlene said...

Nice recovery miles!

I'm a pretty inexperienced marathoner with just one under my belt and as such, I'm having a hard time coming up with training paces for #2. I'm training with the group and have bee running with the 4:00 group, but I don't know yet if it's feasible for me to run a 4:00 in September and I certainly don't want to go out too fast and suffer through the second half like last time!

Ultra Monk said...

Just do the miles. Run 18 or more miles once a week and a couple of runs more than 4 hours in the 6 weeks before the race. Being used to the milage is more important than intervals. If your tempo is less than 9:30 when you are having fun, you'll break 4 hours no sweat. Otherwise, all those track intervals won't help.

Gu will do the rest on race day.

In the meantime, speed work is the easiest way to hurt yourself.

Like running.

Jamie said...

Love the recovery miles!

I am struggling to find the pace to run the 4 hr marathon. Good days and bad days. My eating could improve but it's so important to get the miles done. Plus to make sure not to eat anything to distress the GI tract race day. That was my problem last race :)

Unknown said...

Terrific blog. I am glad you have stop by my blog. I have bookmarked yours so that I can follow your on-going progress.

I have 6 marathons under my belt with an average time of 4:30 I am struggling to get it under 4:15. I guess its a mental thing for me.

I have mixed bag when it comes to long distance running and they are...
1. Speedwork (1x a week)
2. Hill workout
3. Do 18-20 miles at least two or three times prior to marathon.

My next marathon is in October and I do hope to get it under 4:15. I will be using Galloway method for the first time. I do believe run/walk method will work.

Lindsay said...

nice recovery run! i have come to really enjoy those some days, although some days i feel like they are taking forever :)

my ultimate marathon training key is doing the long runs. the first few i ran i was terrible at actually running long. now that i am better at logging the miles, i am slowly incorporating goal paces into the long runs.


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...