Monday, February 22, 2010

Kicking the Habit

I wonder....could hills become habit forming? I mean instead of complaining about I have over and over in the past, how about embracing them!!
Several weeks ago I decided to get serious about running again. I knew in my heart I'd have to build back slow! I'd been living with injury and I'm tired of it! So with some time given to healing I opted for an odd return? Hill repeats? Strange....seeing as how I'd never done hill repeats. Oh, I've run hills but not as in interval training. So out I went to my little lane beside my house. A nice 12-17% grade 1/10th of a mile long. I can double the distance but the additional grade is horrendous!
Now hills are a habit! Every run ends with 3-4 hill repeats depending on how I'm doing. I devote the last 10 minutes to these repeats. When will I have to kick the habit? Does training demand I lessen hills? We will see but I'm leaning towards keeping them on for a while.
This week is 4 runs @ 30 minutes with the last 10min HR's. I am rebuilding very slowly. I will initiate the 10% increase next week working up to five running days. Today the stinkin' cold weather and bone chilling wind is ruling the day, but I snuck in some hill repeats! Peace!


DawnB said...

never give the hills up its a good habbit to have.

Coachhrd said...

Mark, great approach. I think I'm going to use this in one of my posts some time!

Tim F said...

I find the more hills I do, the more I enjoy them.

Jill said...

I'm finding I like hills a lot more, too. I guess once you accept them they can sorta become your friend??!! Nice running!!

Tina @GottaRunNow said...

I've only heard good things about hillwork - it will make you stronger.

Anne said...

Mark, I'm glad you are becoming one with the hills but do remember that a MAJOR cause of achilles tendonitis is hill running. I mention this only if the ol' injury flares up again. I'm a hill lover too, or was until the tendonitis turned into a full-blown tear.

Marlene said...

I'd say hill repeats are a good habit to have. No doubt they are keeping you strong!


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...