Tuesday, January 4, 2011


   The weather is perfect! 40 degrees with wonderful sunshine!! A slight north breeze kept reminding me it's still Winter! I have not rested well lately, for some reason? Lots on my mind I guess. I was so busy yesterday I wasn't able to run, plus I was exhausted! Didn't rest well again, but I was determined to run today. I can't let up! So hills here I come. I noted that my reps were slower than normal. The fatigue obviously was telling on me. I kept pushing and found a pace I could keep, I actually did 14 X.17 hills/ 5.05 miles total in 1:06:15. I had my annual check-up today. I feel good when I go because my overall fitness is excellent. So many of my friends, colleagues, relatives, etc, are in poor condition. Running isn't a cure all but man it helps! Hope it's going well for you! Peace!


Terri said...

I haven't been sleeping well lately myself and have found I grow fatigued sooner during my runs. I hope you can get some good rest soon. I agree that running sure does make a huge difference in overall health and wellness.

Marlene said...

Great job getting it done even if you weren't feeling the energy today. Hope you can get some good rest!

Frank Eeckman said...

Running is great but you need rest from time to time.

Jill said...

I hope you nip that sleeping thing soon...I don't sleep that well and I know how draining it can be. Glad you had a clean bill of health at the physical today, though. Maybe the doc helped give you some sleeping better suggestions!!

Happy New Year, Mark! I hope you have a wonderful year!!!


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...