Saturday, January 1, 2011

Cold start

2011 is starting off with sunshine and cold...but also with a sweet 10 miler! This run is actually the longest distance I have run in over a year! It has taken a long time to get back to where I wasn't nursing the heel! I just have the normal aches and pains. I managed 8 of the miles at or below 9's. 1:34:28/ 10 miles.
  The word is out that Little Rock might fill up fast. I am debating whether to sign up or not? Hope you have a great 2011!!!


Suzy said...

Happy New Year! Way to take your time and stick with it. You made it back to the double digits again. :) It was warm in the northeast today (50F)...warm for here.

Terri said...

I think that's fantastic Mark! I am adjusting to the unpredictable weather here in Houston. Very windy today! I know Little Rock is a pretty popular race.

Marlene said...

What a start to the year! Congratulations!

Wishing you and yours and happy, healthy and peaceful 2011.

Lindsay said...

congrats on double digits again! i wanted to run 10 over the weekend but my legs didn't cooperate one day and then my lack-of-nutrition didn't help the next :-/ ahh well, at least i got in some miles.

happy new year!


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...