Friday, July 18, 2014

Sweet temps...

  So far we have the Summer that wasn't! It's acting like early fall here and the body is loving it! I ran for 80 minutes and had one of the best runs (time wise) I've had in a long time! I even did half of 2K hill and 5 lengthy pick-ups to add to the above average pace. I think it's important for Summer to come back. We need some hot weather training.
   You know your thinning when someone says..."you feeling all right? You look thin! You need to put on some pounds!"  Yes! Apparently I'm getting there! I want to be as light as possible! I did exactly what I wanted to do this week in regards to increase. I put in 357 minutes on the road. Next week I will increase some more, then I'll enjoy a cut down week. Hope it's wonderful where you are, and that you are getting the rain you need.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keeping fit and strong as always!!


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...