Thursday, September 1, 2011

Wane....not whine!

      Summer is on the wane here....the day light is shortening rapidly, the Walnut trees are turning yellow, the weeds are dying out....oh btw, we need rain real bad!
  I really do love Summer, though! I just find it to be the best time of year...Summertime...when the livin' is easy....
  I got out in the 100 degree temps and knocked off a 4.2 miler. The achilles is miraculously feeling better?? I guess cause I've cut down? Or that I'm running lighter? Don't know....just glad! What would I do without running? Whine! Peace!!


Marlene said...

Summer is fun, but I like autumn best. A chill in the air, crunchy leaves and hot apple cider. Plsu it means my Birthday is coming. :)

Jill said...

I've whined for 2 years, I fully understand :). If I got out in 100 degrees, I am certain I'd never return...I do not tolerate the heat well, I have stayed away from it all summer, optioning to run on my basement treadmill, just in case the heel acted up and I was 5 miles from home. Been there, done that, NO FUN! But it feels good to be outdoors again. Good job pushing through and SO glad the Achilles is behaving. :)


      This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...