So I took yesterday off from running. The 18 mile trail run took it outta me good on Monday. I found myself sleepy and hungry yesterday!! The weather has been so fantastic!! Although I love Summer and prefer Summer, a person can't help but love this time of season, too.
As I started out today with a recovery run in mind, my body was slow to respond. Stiff, sore, somewhat beaten up. I just put one foot in front of the other. Today there were lots of people on the roads! Highway construction, concrete workers, the traffic was higher than normal? I noticed that around five miles into the run I began to feel strong! I kicked it in the last two miles with low 9's. Amazing how the body works? I must make an amendment to my prediction for Winter. I've noticed in recent days the high number of woolly worms and their coats are thick! Looks to be a cold Winter!
On another note September is in the books as my highest mileage month ever! 196.8 miles!
Totals today-7.44 miles/ 1:20:51/ 10:52's. Peace!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Loop #4, Now known as the Outback
Two more weeks until the taper! I am going to try to log fifty miles this week. I decided to do the trail loop. This is my only true loop run out here in the boondocks and it's a beaut!
The hills are beginning to show a hint of fall. The views are opening up and the orange and yellow colors are gradually appearing. It was absolutely fantastic today! I started out very strong and feeling good but at mile 15 I totally toasted. The trails sucked the energy right out of me but I loved it!
I ran and walked the rest of the way in, 2K hill really kicked my tail and my time but it's in the books! Overall my body is holding up quite well; the heel is burning a little, the left calf some tight, but that's just marathon training!
Totals-18.95 miles/ 3:52:26/12:16's. the last four miles took 59:25! Like I said, I toasted but I persevered, too. Peace!
The hills are beginning to show a hint of fall. The views are opening up and the orange and yellow colors are gradually appearing. It was absolutely fantastic today! I started out very strong and feeling good but at mile 15 I totally toasted. The trails sucked the energy right out of me but I loved it!
I ran and walked the rest of the way in, 2K hill really kicked my tail and my time but it's in the books! Overall my body is holding up quite well; the heel is burning a little, the left calf some tight, but that's just marathon training!
Totals-18.95 miles/ 3:52:26/12:16's. the last four miles took 59:25! Like I said, I toasted but I persevered, too. Peace!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
10K race report
Finally! I actually pulled myself out of bed and raced! I have needed to see where I am with this training program! Got there early, registered. went for a two mile warm-up, drank a bottle of water while we heard the instructions, noted the field was not large, it was a 5k and 10k combined start. Maybe 70 people all together. My goal was to get under 50 minutes. I started out slow and in control because the start was uphill! This was an out and back twice! I am very pleased over all because according to my Garmin the splits were very consistent and that's good! I did not die! The course was long. My watch had it at 6.41, others with Garmins showed distances very similar. I knew there was a problem when we came to the 5k mark. Garmin said 3.2! O well, doesn't really matter. The volunteers were great! Not really much to tell. Tweaked left calf muscle? At the very last; as I was going downhill into the last stretch to the chute I saw a shadow! Someone was making a move to pass me!! That ain't happenin'! I said so!! I chugged on in holding my place. BTW, I got first in my age! Here are the splits-7:54, 7:44, 7:54, 8:06, 8:00, 7:59, last .41 in 7:35 pace! 6.41 miles in 50:48, 7:55's. ( I forgot to stop my watch so that's not accurate) I had some left? This is the first year for the 10k. I hope they get the distance more accurate, but it really doesn't matter. I'm encouraged because it's a solid pace for me, I held it well, I probably could have given a little more. I beat Goober.....that's always nice. Made some more friends. Finished the day with 9.2 miles total. I'm pulling for Marlene and Meg tomorrow! Hoping for good weather and strong legs and lungs! Peace!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Pluggin' along!
Being given another day is something I think I overlook! I am here to tell you today is absolutely marvelous (darling)! How blessed I am!!! Even under strain, pressure, in the face of difficulty and adversity, I can gain great solace that I am alive and well today!!!
I headed out on W south with intentions for an easy 6 miler; just to keep trying to break through this weeks funk. I, for some reason, felt very good?! Isn't is crazy how some days are like this? So I just relaxed, slowed down, and cruised. I have high hopes for a race and I want to try to save some juice.
Now I'm icing the heel as it stiffened up on me yesterday. Off to another wedding in 30 minutes!!! It's been busy! I'm excited for all the folks getting ready to put all their hard training on the line this weekend. The great success is you made it to the start line, now you are ready to run!! I'm counting the days 'till my race, 38!
Totals-6.4 miles/ 1:07:34/ 10:33's. Pretty doggone good for W south! I was actually wanting to "take" the hills! Go figure! Make the most of the day!!!! Peace!
I headed out on W south with intentions for an easy 6 miler; just to keep trying to break through this weeks funk. I, for some reason, felt very good?! Isn't is crazy how some days are like this? So I just relaxed, slowed down, and cruised. I have high hopes for a race and I want to try to save some juice.
Now I'm icing the heel as it stiffened up on me yesterday. Off to another wedding in 30 minutes!!! It's been busy! I'm excited for all the folks getting ready to put all their hard training on the line this weekend. The great success is you made it to the start line, now you are ready to run!! I'm counting the days 'till my race, 38!
Totals-6.4 miles/ 1:07:34/ 10:33's. Pretty doggone good for W south! I was actually wanting to "take" the hills! Go figure! Make the most of the day!!!! Peace!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Thanks for the encouragement, friends! I really do appreciate you all! Your comments helped me! Yesterday was like the most stressful day I've had in the ministry in years! Seems like everything is coming at me at once! Sometimes I feel like the guy on the Ed Sullivan show spinning the plates! Needless to say running wasn't in the cards yesterday. I don't want to jinx myself but my heel is feeling real good?!?!
I woke up feeling very rested, too!? So I headed out for another day on the hills and enjoyed myself immensely! 12.5 miles/ 2:22:45/ 11:25's. Yes the pace appears slow but the number and intensity of the hills will cause a decrease in pace speed. I am wondering how I will perform come marathon day. The route is basically flat! Today I'm better...thanks again. I intend to cut back a little this week.
On another note, this pastor/runner is speaking this afternoon at the annual association meeting. What this means is a bunch of pastors will be there and I get to talk to them about leadership! I'm excited! Hope you have a great day!! I know some of you all are closing in on your big race! Good luck and best wishes to Marlene, and Meg! Hope I didn't forget anybody! Peace!!
I woke up feeling very rested, too!? So I headed out for another day on the hills and enjoyed myself immensely! 12.5 miles/ 2:22:45/ 11:25's. Yes the pace appears slow but the number and intensity of the hills will cause a decrease in pace speed. I am wondering how I will perform come marathon day. The route is basically flat! Today I'm better...thanks again. I intend to cut back a little this week.
On another note, this pastor/runner is speaking this afternoon at the annual association meeting. What this means is a bunch of pastors will be there and I get to talk to them about leadership! I'm excited! Hope you have a great day!! I know some of you all are closing in on your big race! Good luck and best wishes to Marlene, and Meg! Hope I didn't forget anybody! Peace!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Watchout for burnout
Lately I've been so ready for the taper!!! I think I needed to have an earlier marathon. So far I've been training for four months, only run two races, and short ones at that! What's the point?
The routes are becoming a little tedious, not the miles, yet. Me thinks the hills are wearing down some resolve. I'm ready to taper! However, that's not the plan. Three weeks counting this one until the taper.
Some things that help: New socks on the way! A new insole on the way. New shoes...the marathon pretty and fresh:)
The track 12 miler Saturday must've really worked me! I'm still running recovery pace. Today at around 6.5 miles I began to feel pretty good and noticed I fell into a solid MP for a spell.
I'm pretty tough so I think I will be able to hold on until taper time. One thing for sure...I'm trying! Peace.
Totals: 11.2 miles/ 2:06:44/ 11:19's.
The routes are becoming a little tedious, not the miles, yet. Me thinks the hills are wearing down some resolve. I'm ready to taper! However, that's not the plan. Three weeks counting this one until the taper.
Some things that help: New socks on the way! A new insole on the way. New shoes...the marathon pretty and fresh:)
The track 12 miler Saturday must've really worked me! I'm still running recovery pace. Today at around 6.5 miles I began to feel pretty good and noticed I fell into a solid MP for a spell.
I'm pretty tough so I think I will be able to hold on until taper time. One thing for sure...I'm trying! Peace.
Totals: 11.2 miles/ 2:06:44/ 11:19's.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Just an EZ recovery type run today. I'm not so tired as usual on Mondays. The temps warmed up today into the low eighties. Man it felt good! I enjoyed the sweat. I wonder if anyone else is dealing with perpetual soreness or it's just because of the age factor, but this marathon training is leaving me with constant soreness in the quads and lower abs. Not to mention the Achilles tendon issue. I remember years ago dealing with the same Achilles but it took much less time to heal. This is now going into month three!
My plan this week is to add a day and lessen the longest run distance. All depending on the injury. I really hope I can run a 10K this Saturday. 4.11 miles today. This weeks goal would be as many miles as possible!! Peace!
My plan this week is to add a day and lessen the longest run distance. All depending on the injury. I really hope I can run a 10K this Saturday. 4.11 miles today. This weeks goal would be as many miles as possible!! Peace!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
That's a fact Jack!
I fullfilled the role of a long distance runner this week with only three runs but they totaled 42.8 miles. I went to El Tracko today with the intent to run as many MP miles as possible. The weather is wonderful!! Cool..around 65 degrees, cloudy, light breeze, and light rain. Awesome, wonderful, peaceful, delightful...I loved it!
So I'm at the track, all alone, body sore, hungry, not really feeling it, but finally I loosened up-two mile warm-up 10:47, 10:23.
Then I launched into the MP miles, I want to list these for reference, 9:24, 8:58, 8:40, 8:43, 8:42, 8:43, 8:29, 8:26, 8:52, 9:22, then I was done.
This is somewhat of a confidence builder. I'm icing the felt fine the whole way.
My actual MP ought to be 9:09 p/m. Yet my natural inclination seems faster. So I'm planning on next week...hoping I can increase miles and run a race. It is all up to the heel.
Great news! I got some new Kayanos last night! These will be my marathon shoes. They feel unbelievably good! I guess my current shoes ( three pair) are worn out!! I've got some Dry Max socks on the way and some inserts for the worn out Kayanos ( I can eke out a few more miles).
Totals-12.11 miles/ 1:50:47/ 9:08's. 42.8 for the week/ avg pace-10:14's.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! Peace!
So I'm at the track, all alone, body sore, hungry, not really feeling it, but finally I loosened up-two mile warm-up 10:47, 10:23.
Then I launched into the MP miles, I want to list these for reference, 9:24, 8:58, 8:40, 8:43, 8:42, 8:43, 8:29, 8:26, 8:52, 9:22, then I was done.
This is somewhat of a confidence builder. I'm icing the felt fine the whole way.
My actual MP ought to be 9:09 p/m. Yet my natural inclination seems faster. So I'm planning on next week...hoping I can increase miles and run a race. It is all up to the heel.
Great news! I got some new Kayanos last night! These will be my marathon shoes. They feel unbelievably good! I guess my current shoes ( three pair) are worn out!! I've got some Dry Max socks on the way and some inserts for the worn out Kayanos ( I can eke out a few more miles).
Totals-12.11 miles/ 1:50:47/ 9:08's. 42.8 for the week/ avg pace-10:14's.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! Peace!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Change-up
I love the game of Baseball. In baseball it's said that the Pitcher has 75% of the game in his hands. The remaining 25% is in the hands of the fielders and umps. The pitcher has an arsenal of pitches. One ought to be the change-up. It is an effective and deceptive pitch often getting the pitcher out of a jam. Right now this runner is in a slight jam. For over two months now I've been dealing with Achilles tendinitis. It is not debilitating but it is not getting better. So....I'm throwing a change-up. High mileage days followed by rest days. This week, Monday had to rest...Tuesday 17 miles, Wednesday rest, today 13.68 miles. The heel is not painful, but it is on the edge. There is no pain while running but it stiffens afterwards. The hills are the culprit!
I felt so strong today. I decided to go one hour ten minutes out and then return as hard as I could. One thing you must know it is hilly!! Cry baby, cry! I named another hill today but I can't put it in print!
Anyway, I ran quite strong and confidently. I am encouraged and pretty sure I'll be ready for the marathon. As to the 20 miler on the track? Yeah, it's stupid but I am needing to get off the hills. I'll take your advice and stay in the outside lane, and change directions often. That's a ways down the road, though.
Totals- 13.68 miles/ 2:21:34/ 10:20's. This is the best pace I've ever had on this route at this distance! Hope the weather is great where you are! Peace!
I felt so strong today. I decided to go one hour ten minutes out and then return as hard as I could. One thing you must know it is hilly!! Cry baby, cry! I named another hill today but I can't put it in print!
Anyway, I ran quite strong and confidently. I am encouraged and pretty sure I'll be ready for the marathon. As to the 20 miler on the track? Yeah, it's stupid but I am needing to get off the hills. I'll take your advice and stay in the outside lane, and change directions often. That's a ways down the road, though.
Totals- 13.68 miles/ 2:21:34/ 10:20's. This is the best pace I've ever had on this route at this distance! Hope the weather is great where you are! Peace!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
"Deenergized Bunny"
Keeps going and going and going...till Monday! I was totally exhausted yesterday! Even a high energy person like me can burn out and I was flaming yesterday! I guess the two weddings and high energy expenditure on Sunday all caught up with me, so I rested.

Felt better today. I was well hydrated, fueled, and better rested so I decided to run at least three hours. I am really encouraged, even though the times don't look so great I am considering the course. Hilly! Big hills, short hills, steep hills, long hills. Did I say hills?
Guess what? I have decided that my last 20 miler will be done on the track! Crazy, huh? At least it's flat! I know it gets tedious but I need to run some quality miles on the flats.
Anyway, I started slow and just kept an easy conversation pace. At mile 14 I decided to kick it up and I ran a 9:19, and a 9:49. I felt gooood! The heel is still there but not as bad. I'm icing now. Truth is I think I could of gone a bit further but this still classifies as a long run.
Totals-17.0 miles/ 3:05:59/ 10:56's.
I may not get to fifty this week because of taking yesterday off but I am looking to get as many miles as I can. Then next week I must race! I need to see where I am.
On another note, I am going to a Leadership Conference in Vista California October 12th, and 13th. This is near Carlsbad, and North of San Diego. I am excited about running along the Pacific!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Out of the Gate
Today is track day!! Time to hit flat land!! I took yesterday off!! From running that is....two wedding rehearsals, that's stressful enough! I told my Sweetheart I'd rather do a funeral any day! So I've two weddings on tap today, one at three and the other at seven.
Anyway, made it to the track by about 9, saw this tall beautiful blonde girl with a dog on a was my niece Bethany!! Her boyfriend is the middle school football coach. He's a good guy and his team was practicing. The puppy is the cutest little chocolate lab, his name is Yadi.
I gave her a hug and began my workout-I could not control the pace! Just automatically faster than planned and it seemed easy? Felt like a horse out of the gate, need to run!! Each mile got faster through mile four, from an 8:55 to an 8:18, I then held on for three more miles at MP. I began to hurt, suffer, a little. The legs were heavy but I was able to recover by slowing then I'd try to pick it back up. The heel felt great!!! Bethany and Mark had finished up with practice and we said our so longs, I'll see her tomorrow at church. Hope I see him. She was picking on me about my hand held water bottle. I'll get her back!
All in all, pretty good effort. Totals-10.52 miles/ 1:38:38/ 9:22's-
For a downshift week not too bad-logged 40.29 miles. I will have to be very aware of the heel! Actually a trait of great leadership is self awareness. I'm workin' on it....peace!
Anyway, made it to the track by about 9, saw this tall beautiful blonde girl with a dog on a was my niece Bethany!! Her boyfriend is the middle school football coach. He's a good guy and his team was practicing. The puppy is the cutest little chocolate lab, his name is Yadi.
I gave her a hug and began my workout-I could not control the pace! Just automatically faster than planned and it seemed easy? Felt like a horse out of the gate, need to run!! Each mile got faster through mile four, from an 8:55 to an 8:18, I then held on for three more miles at MP. I began to hurt, suffer, a little. The legs were heavy but I was able to recover by slowing then I'd try to pick it back up. The heel felt great!!! Bethany and Mark had finished up with practice and we said our so longs, I'll see her tomorrow at church. Hope I see him. She was picking on me about my hand held water bottle. I'll get her back!
All in all, pretty good effort. Totals-10.52 miles/ 1:38:38/ 9:22's-
For a downshift week not too bad-logged 40.29 miles. I will have to be very aware of the heel! Actually a trait of great leadership is self awareness. I'm workin' on it....peace!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
At the Station

I had a 1,186 consecutive day running streak once! Yep! My criteria wasn't real lofty, I had a minimum requirement of two miles or twenty minutes of running. I did this rain or shine, Christmas, Easter, at eleven at night, at Bluegrass festivals, at the Grand Canyon, Smokey Mtns, I was on a streak, baby!
What's the point? Today I'm still an obsessive runner...but I've come to a place where I realize my station. Where exactly I am in my life. I can no longer run with reckless abandon. I seriously have to consider rest. My Achilles tendinitis is this reminder that if I'm not careful to balance life I can see a rupture! Ultimately that's why I took yesterday off! I rested! It was tough but needed! I love to analogize running with life, it is easy to do. So I can run with this weakness but I must be careful to be mindful of it...pretty heady stuff!
Today was a great day on the road! I named another hill today, "Butt Kicker hill", then one right after it..."Zombie hill". You get the picture?! Yes I'm whining about the incessant hills. Will I ever get over it?
Totals-11.37 miles/ 2:03.42/ 10:52's- I'm on a downshift week, I really only need 10 more miles to put in a pretty decent week. I am thinking about flat track Saturday! Peace!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Bottom Fell Out
Funny how things are going right now in my training. For instance today I was going along really well, feeling strong, running sub tens on the hills when BAM! Right around 8.5 miles the bottom fell out! Just like a bag of groceries giving out! Ugh! I was done! Problem was I was still 2.5 miles from home! Lately this has been the story, it's like my gas tank is half full, I have fuel to start out but I run out? I think this is indicative of lack of recovery. Today I enjoyed the sauna like weather and made it home even though I was toast! I am still going to downshift this week!
Totals-11.14 miles/ 2:09:17/ 11:36. The hill at 8.5 did me in today!
I used to keep a hand written running journal but in October of 2008 I started this blog. I have archives of Journals from all the way back to 1985. Most of my entries are just totals and training plans but every so often I'll write down some thoughts or observations.
I was awakened at 2am this morning and drawn to seek God for several hours. I still got up at 5:25am so perhaps lack of rest caused the bottom to fall out, but I wouldn't trade that time for anything!
Today before the bottom fell out I actually was in the zone! Running was easy and effortless! I was able to disassociate and totally internalize my sermon for Sunday!!
I really need to race! I think I'm chicken! Peace!!
Totals-11.14 miles/ 2:09:17/ 11:36. The hill at 8.5 did me in today!
I used to keep a hand written running journal but in October of 2008 I started this blog. I have archives of Journals from all the way back to 1985. Most of my entries are just totals and training plans but every so often I'll write down some thoughts or observations.
I was awakened at 2am this morning and drawn to seek God for several hours. I still got up at 5:25am so perhaps lack of rest caused the bottom to fall out, but I wouldn't trade that time for anything!
Today before the bottom fell out I actually was in the zone! Running was easy and effortless! I was able to disassociate and totally internalize my sermon for Sunday!!
I really need to race! I think I'm chicken! Peace!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Do you remember the Ford Pinto?I had one of those for a brief time in High School, before I totaled it! I loved shifting that thing! I could squeal the tires in all four gears, plus I learned how to use the transmission to slow the vehicle by downshifting. It was a great car, to bad I took my eyes of the road for one stinkin' second and kaboom!! That's another story! I did live!
I am going to down shift this week, slow down but raise the rpm's. What I mean is I will lessen the miles but raise the pace speed. Today I headed to the track since school is out. I wanted some MP miles so I did a two mile warm-up and then five MP miles with a brief cool down. The temps are back to Summertime levels (YES!!). So the heat did take a little toll.
Totals- 7.25 miles/ 1:08:15/ 9:24's. Five solid MP miles with an 8:46 as the best and the last dropped to a 9:23. I will try to hit the track again Saturday, but I have two weddings that day! The first one is at 3pm, the second at 7pm. Life is a blast!! Hope all went well with you this weekend and to those that raced looking forward to reports! Peace!
I am going to down shift this week, slow down but raise the rpm's. What I mean is I will lessen the miles but raise the pace speed. Today I headed to the track since school is out. I wanted some MP miles so I did a two mile warm-up and then five MP miles with a brief cool down. The temps are back to Summertime levels (YES!!). So the heat did take a little toll.
Totals- 7.25 miles/ 1:08:15/ 9:24's. Five solid MP miles with an 8:46 as the best and the last dropped to a 9:23. I will try to hit the track again Saturday, but I have two weddings that day! The first one is at 3pm, the second at 7pm. Life is a blast!! Hope all went well with you this weekend and to those that raced looking forward to reports! Peace!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Flat Track-yes!!
Went to the local track. A beautiful day with overcast skies, cool temps, and rain showers off and on. I had no real plan so during my warm-up I assessed how I felt and what I could do...knowing I needed some MP training I decided on my "400MP push". This is a track workout I invented last Spring. It is a fast continuous run with alternating 400's. Every other 400 is a recovery lap at MP, and the alternate 400 is a push or faster than MP. It is a challenging workout. You have to be mindful of pace, but it trains your mind that MP is a recovery pace! I did 12 laps today before my body said enough. I did real well because each push lap was faster that MP, only prob was I died after 12 laps when I had 16 in my mind. So I finished with a lengthy cool down segment. I noticed how strong I feel on the flats! The hills have not only strengthened my legs, back, but my heart and lungs, too. I am encouraged!
I am considering a cutback week next week. Nothing definite but I might trim some miles and try to rest. actually slept 10 hours last night! In bed by 9pm and up at 7am!
Totals-6.35 miles/ 1:00:09/ 9:28's. 50.09 miles for the week. A PR! Two weeks in a row over 50! Pretty sure that will stand up for a while! Hope you have a great weekend! I get to spend the evening with Jared, my firstborn son and his wonderful wife Krystal, who I think is the most wonderful young lady!!!! Peace!
I am considering a cutback week next week. Nothing definite but I might trim some miles and try to rest. actually slept 10 hours last night! In bed by 9pm and up at 7am!
Totals-6.35 miles/ 1:00:09/ 9:28's. 50.09 miles for the week. A PR! Two weeks in a row over 50! Pretty sure that will stand up for a while! Hope you have a great weekend! I get to spend the evening with Jared, my firstborn son and his wonderful wife Krystal, who I think is the most wonderful young lady!!!! Peace!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Today a gentle rain fell as I was running. It was very welcome. I actually ran for two miles today without being passed by a vehicle! A very peaceful and nice run. Yet it was what I would call a mediocre run. I could barely get to base pace, and I felt like I was struggling, like trying to put a bit in a reluctant horses mouth, a struggle. I am having significant ups and downs this week in regards to my training so I'll expect a better day tomorrow. One thing I know for sure...I will hit the flats tomorrow! I will at least drive to the track if nothing else. There is a 5K race in a nearby town I could use as a tempo run so we will see.
Totals-8.41 miles/ 1:31:16/ 10:51's.
Totals-8.41 miles/ 1:31:16/ 10:51's.
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Regarding yesterdays is Ozark folklore about the Woolly Worms coat. If it's real bushy prepare for a cold Winter, if it's light and thin it is supposed to be a mild Winter. I haven't really tracked it but I'm leaning on the mild Winter side. I was unable to identify the spiders...they are big and fast! I just hope they don't jump on me when I'm running, but they are thick out here!
Today's run was a 180 from how I've been feeling lately. I just started out feeling good and it carried on throughout today's run. I did cut down desired distance, trying to rest...a little.
Totals-6.45 miles/ 1:01:11/ 9:28's. This is on hills!!! I actually knocked off an 8:22 mile and it felt soooo good! I wanted more!
Had to drive up to the big city today to restock my gu supply. One of the employees is training for the same marathon I am, they are wanting to run a 3:12! Today I'm back up a little mentally and the heel is even feeling a little better. Well, got to go mow the yard!!! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! Look out for the spiders! Peace!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Reality Check
The first task of a leader is: To identify the current reality. My current reality is there seems to be an over tiredness. The right heel discomfort is beginning to extend into the arch and forefoot areas. What do I do? I will continue to train but I will not increase miles beyond 50 this week. My ultimate goal is to make it to the start line with a chance to break four hours in the marathon. So a nice and easy recovery run today of 3.11 miles. Felt pretty good...the body as a whole is remarkably well considering the long run yesterday.
I've seen something in the last couple of days on the roads. Woolly Worms with light coats, means a mild Winter, and these rather large spiders on the roads. They jump! Very cool!
Hope things are well with you. Peace!
I've seen something in the last couple of days on the roads. Woolly Worms with light coats, means a mild Winter, and these rather large spiders on the roads. They jump! Very cool!
Hope things are well with you. Peace!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
" I like to!"
So the proverbial question was asked...again; " Why are you running?" This time is was a little boy walking along the road with his Grandpa. He's probably 4-5 yrs old. I was polite and kind as I passed them, I heard the Grandpa say "why don't you ask him", then I heard "Why are you running?" I answered (considering this was a child) "because I like to" his Grandpa turned to him and said, "you like to run, don't you?" the child said "yep!"
As I reflected on my response I examined the word like. I was reminded of that wonderful movie "Chariots of Fire" and the great story of two runners. One, The missionary Eric Liddell, he said something in that film that I connected with when I saw it in 1981. "God made me fast and when I run I feel His pleasure." I love that!!!
Being a runner requires discipline and perseverance, too. This develops character! I like to run!
Today was the long run. Remember this is hill country. I named a hill today.."Cry baby hill". Every time I run it I whine! I wonder, if I survive this training cycle, what will happen when I race on the flats? Could be surprising! I didn't toast out until around 15 miles. Even then I was able to keep a survival shuffle going. Kinda encouraged?!
Totals-18.74 miles/ 3:37:06/ 11:35's.
As I reflected on my response I examined the word like. I was reminded of that wonderful movie "Chariots of Fire" and the great story of two runners. One, The missionary Eric Liddell, he said something in that film that I connected with when I saw it in 1981. "God made me fast and when I run I feel His pleasure." I love that!!!
Being a runner requires discipline and perseverance, too. This develops character! I like to run!
Today was the long run. Remember this is hill country. I named a hill today.."Cry baby hill". Every time I run it I whine! I wonder, if I survive this training cycle, what will happen when I race on the flats? Could be surprising! I didn't toast out until around 15 miles. Even then I was able to keep a survival shuffle going. Kinda encouraged?!
Totals-18.74 miles/ 3:37:06/ 11:35's.
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