Saturday, October 31, 2009
Antsy pantsy!
Here's what I plan on: Go out and try to post a 9:15 or so first mile then cruise to the HM mark at or just barely below 9's, stay controlled....try to keep the pace to 20 miles. Dig deep, be courageous and creative over the last 10K
Here is a brief overview of my talk during the morning sevice Bass Pro has; I'm billed as the guest speaker who is a marathoner ( only run 4?) and Preacher. Pretty cool, they've really promoted this service so I'm pretty excited.
Low key and audience participation!
How has running changed you?
Why are you racing?
I will give one answer to this second Q. We race to enjoy the change running brings!
I transition from the physical/mental change, to the spiritual change. Text- 2 Corinthians 5:17
I won't be using a Bible, but memory.
Then I ask-How do we really enjoy these changes during a race?
We use trustworthy sayings! (mantras if you will)
Get 'em to share- Ex- hold on! Stay smooth-etc,
Here are three-
1) Stay smart from the start- pacing fueling- analogies to the Christian life using Joshua as an example
2) Test the Limits- Know that you will be challenged, assaulted by the stressers!
Testing will come! Using story out of Genesis to illustrate the fact that testing will come!
Trust in your training! Stay cool! Steady- You are able! Recite a familiar verse-Phil 4:13
3) Go the distance- One of my favorite movies-Field of Dreams-
See things through- Point A to point B-
Insurmountable barriers-cramps-why am I doing this-never again-doubt-despair?
Here is where you can really discover the change!
Wisdom!-Using another well know verse- Ill: personal experience
Conclusion- Today we will enjoy the change! We will make new discovery! We will finish the race! Good luck and God bless-
We're talkin' 20 minutes or so-
Wish me luck....I'll probably post pretty soon after the race. Peace
Friday, October 30, 2009
So a funny thing happened at the expo-
Bib #253- I like it!! Does your race number matter?
I'll post a synopsis of my talk tomorrow Peace!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Notes and Taper oddities
Taper oddities? Why would my left quad be tight and sore? Crazy? The mind games! One minute I doubt myself the next I believe in myself.
I've pretty much worked out my talk for the Sunday morning runners worship service. I'll post the idea of it tomorrow for those interested. Today I'm loaded with errands, meetings, and going over the course to plan on where to have my Sweetie meet me for refueling.
Today's little four miler was a confidence builder. Seeing that I know breaking four hours will require guts, confidence is good! Peace!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Nice and Easy
I have been a bad boy today! When I was buying some items at the Dollar General I added some Rolos and a Coke to the list!!!! Oh, man! Did the Rolos taste good! Now I feel fat!
I decided to keep the taper a taper and only ran 3.31 miles today! I dressed in my "Marathon Outfit". Does that sound funny? Marathon outfit? Fav shorts, new singlet, Kayano 15's perfectly broken in, marathon finishers hat, dry max socks.
I'm basically ready. I just want to run the distance. I've been working on my talk that I'm going to give the runners that morning. I'll share some of it later but basically (obviously) I'll analogize running with the Christian life.
So nice and easy today-3.31/ 32:59/ 9:57's. Now...the Coke!! Peace! (I'm feeling fat)
Monday, October 26, 2009
Racing Ruminations

So the final week of taper begins. Marathon #5 is nearly here! I've got this goal in run under four hours. As I look back to previous marathons I see one glaring mistake and one recurring issue...fueling and cramping. I'm certain these are related! I will rely on myself for fueling. The mistake was to rely on the event to supply, don't do this! I've been using accelerade for several months and it seems to work well. I am using a hand-held bottle. I'll also use accel-gel. I plan on taking one every thirty minutes including one just before the race starts. Also, I will be taking salt tablets. Probably one every hour as that's how I've trained on my long runs. Sandy will be my crew, I'll get refills from her. My approach to this taper has been slightly different than last time. Still a three week taper, but less mileage! My body is definitely recovering! Lowering into the 25+ range has given me a chance to recoup.
The race strategy has to be aggressive, but the start has to be done right. I've been practicing this at the track. Here's what I know: I can run 14 miles at sub 9's. I have been able to finish long MP runs with a fast mile. The only questions are, "do I have the long runs?" Will those 19 mile trail runs pay off? I did walk a lot during them!? How will the weather be? (45 the low, 65 the high) How will I respond to the flats when the vast majority of my running has been on hills?
Finally, running is an integral part of my daily life. I have to run! For over 25 years I've been a runner. I've seen my times slow and that really doesn't bother me because truly my running isn't about times; but with that said the marathon is the one distance I think I can still post a PR ! Maybe my motive is the hope of a last hurrah? The breaking of new running ground! Posting a brand new PR! Proving to myself I'm not done in it's fun!! I love a challenge! In my early years of racing I used to go into a race with three goals; ultimate, challenging, acceptable. I really don't do this anymore. My mentality has always been to go for the ultimate goal! If I plant any other goal in my head I may be persuaded, during the pain, to settle for less. So I'm going to establish my goal as 3:59.
Wish me good luck! By the way I'm on vacation!!!!! Peace!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Punt pass and kick!

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Street Modified Halfs
Today the rains came! The leaves are falling in a hurry! That does make for tricky running with the leaves all over the road, slickery and covering rocks, etc.
I was really wanting to do yassos but couldn't make the track so I did a one mile warm up and did 7x 1/2 mile with a 1/2 mile rest in between each half. I had to take the hills and dales so it was a pretty good work-out. Drizzled the whole way, strong south wind, about 60 degrees. Wonderful!! Rest day tomorrow!
8.0 miles/1:17:56/ 9:44's. I'm enjoying the taper!!!! Peace!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Yikes!!! Everybody's sick!!
So taper week two is here. I took Monday off! I rested! Not the least bit guilty! Even the fantastic weather couldn't get me to run! Today is a different story. I ran! The weather is even better! Sunny, 70ish, breezy. Funny how the taper works? I felt so strong today?! I decided to run 8 miles of W south which is very hilly. I also decided to go with how I felt and I felt like running! I actually set a PR for this route today. 8.05 miles/1:17:30/ 9:37's. It is very hilly, with some steep inclines. I was actually running some low 9's up hill! I'm feelin' good today!
Here are my thoughts regarding the rest of the week. Thursday will be around 8-9 miles with some pick ups unless I go to the track then I'll do Yassos. Then on Saturday go to the track to enjoy some flatland and knock off 8-10 miles. That'll give me a total of about 25-26 miles.
So here's to hoping I stay healthy and to the taper!! Peace!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Steam Locomotive

Friday, October 16, 2009
Opted for Golf!
I appreciate the encouraging comments in regards to my slacking this week. It's down to 16 days until the Bass Pro Marathon!! I'll not fret over this weeks lost mileage.
I am developing my race plan and I definitely plan on going for 3:59:59! One of the important things for me is to not start too slow. I did that last year at Bass Pro and I never could get to MP...ever! It was a tough run! I've got a good plan on fluids, gels, and salt. The only "worry" is I've not done a 20 miler! I've done eight runs between 17-19 of hills and trails in the last 15 weeks. We will see how this works!?
So, all these weeks of training culminates in one run. Wow! This course is flat and fast. It is perfect for a PR and for a guy trying to break a barrier. Good luck to all who are racing this weekend!!! Peace!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
On the road again....
Yesterday I had a terrible headache as we traveled home and I rarely, if ever, get sick! I'm still a little drained from that but managed this good, strong effort today.
I am already getting excited about the race. I've been training for it now 15 weeks and the work is done. My long runs were numerous and truly hard efforts. I've done better MP runs, and have seen the hills add muscle, and reduce weight! All I need to do is decide will I go for it or not? Peace!
Monday, October 12, 2009
I had to get up early and head out immediately because of the conference schedule. I found myself running fast! My goal was the beach! I am located about 1/2 mile from HWY 101, this runs along the ocean. I enjoyed it! Had to run back and get Sandy and take her to the ocean. So vast! I am so disappointed that I won't be able to meet up with Anne and Meg. The conference is important, and I need to not miss anything. Maybe some day, though. I'm thinking about running a marathon out here.
I figured about 4 miles today. No running time...or the taper is not starting too well? Congratulations to Carlee, Bill, and Jamie on running such great times in their marathon! Peace!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Land of Hurt
At around mile nine I began to hurt. The kind of hurt you experience when your glycogen stores are getting low, when your legs are heavy and feel like concrete, like around mile 20 in the marathon. I just talked to myself saying " Mark, don't let up, hold the pace," etc...
Seemed like I held on okay but when I finished my quads were toasted. So it's in the books!
Totals-14.06 miles/ 2:07:31/ 9:04's. Here are the splits-9:49, 9:13, 8:55, 8:55, 8:49, 8:40, 8:44, 8:42, 8:41, 9:06, 9:27, 9:24, 9:02, 9:22. ( Got my 50 in!) I think this was a good effort for the fact that I was in the land of hurt for around five miles. My next run will be in California! We are staying at the La Quinta in Carlsbad and I hope to run from there Monday morning sometime. Otherwise next week is gonna be a booger getting miles in because of the conference but it'll all work out. Peace!
Good luck again to all racing today and tomorrow!!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Miles to go....
The rain finally stopped and I set out to put in a 7.5 miler. I went the way of the most hills today. Over these past six months of living out here I've noticed a definite increase in strength. I wonder how it will play out in the marathon?
However; I'm hitting the flats tomorrow!! Yee Haw!! Flat track day. My hope is to log as many MP miles as possible, preferably 13-14 of 'em. That would push me over the fifty mile mark, too.
The only little problem might be this, and your opinion is valued, my last true long run will have been a week ago last Monday, will that make a difference? I always would run my last long run three weeks or so out from the marathon, but the longest run this week will be tomorrows.
It is what it is and the last day before taper is tomorrow! I am pumped!
Best of luck to my blogging friends who are running marathons this weekend. Bill, Chanti, Jamie, and others...good luck and Godspeed!
Totals-7.5 miles/ 1:25:39/ 11:25's. Peace!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Wet Feet!
I had made up my mind to go at least 9 miles so When the front hit, suddenly, I was 4.7 miles from home. I turned and high tailed it homeward. Here came the cold front! BRRR...high winds, heavy rains, I kinda liked it!? At least the wind was behind me, I had my running hat on so I was protected. My shoes got soaked, but I felt better than anytime this week.
Towards the end of the run I began to hurt, but it is the good kind of hurt that is necessary to experience. The hills have a way of zapping you.
Totals-9.41 miles/ 1:38:52/ 10:30's. Best run in a while. Thanks for all the encouragement. I've needed it this week. I appreciate you guys and your thoughts and words. You all are the best!
So I need two more efforts this week with the focal run Saturday; a long MP.
Lots of you all are going to Chicago. I've never been there! Good luck Jamie! Chanti! And anyone else I missed. I hear tell it is a great marathon! Peace
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Ugly Eight
I will hope to rebound for the final push. I need 30.4 miles in the next three days?! Looks like I will be doing another crazy track run Saturday!!
Totals-8.1 miles/1:37:35/ 12:02's. Terribly slow, yet it was on W south. So far this week looks like this: 5.31/ 6.2/ 8.1. I need to finish like this: 7/8/15. Bunches of people are running marathons this weekend! Glad it's not me! Good luck to each one of you! Peace!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Final "Weak"?
Otherwise it was a good day. 6.2 miles/ 1:07:27/ 10:52's. (Molasses in winter)
Some of us are natural born leaders, but I believe leadership can also be taught and learned. I was reminded today of a very important and oft overlooked principle in leading with integrity. "Being right" cannot compete with "doing well". Think about it! Peace!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Phone Man!
Long story had come unplugged! I was her hero! She wanted to pay me! Of course I I was inside I observed; it was a real Ozark home! A worn Bible on the coffee table, years of pics all over the walls, quilts on the bed, a sweet smell of home cookin' in the air. It was a very small home so I could see nearly every room. The kitchen table had the red and white checkered table cloth, a small t.v., a radio, some very cool oil lamps! Before I left she asked me to pray for her! She's very old and all she has is her phone! It means the world to her and I fixed it! I'd say I'm pretty high on her list right now. Needless to say I feel good!
Totals-5.31 miles/ 59.51/ 11:16's. Hope the weather is nice in your neck of the woods! Peace
Saturday, October 3, 2009
HM Time Trial
I took a gel every thirty minutes per Spirit Flowers suggestion...worked real good! Drank early and often, worked good. Felt like I still had a few miles in the tank. I got my 12 MP miles! Next week I hope for 14 and then the taper! 51.12 miles this week! That's a PR for me.
Well the day is just beginning! Sandy and I will go run errands in Ozark, the off to Branson for a show and some shopping. Hope your Saturday has been a good one. I'm pulling for all of you that are racing tomorrow!! Best of Luck! Peace!
Friday, October 2, 2009
I find myself mentally preparing for this next marathon. I've been reviewing my blog posts from the last two and I'm really encouraged that I've been doing what I think was needed to break the four hour barrier. More long runs, and more runs at MP. I've logged 8 runs since July of 17 or more miles. (They have all been hilly). I've increased sustained MP miles from 4 to 10. This week is 12, next week is the last one, I hope for 14. I've trained carrying a water bottle and drinking a specific sports drink, taking gels on the fly, I'm practiced up!! I've set a personal record for a months mileage, and tomorrow will set a new weekly PR. My weight is as low as it goes! I'm holding around 175. Not bad for a 6'1" guy. The heel is slowly getting better! It's just the daunting reality that I need to average 9:09's that keeps buggin' me, I'm not getting any younger!! How will I respond on the flats? All I've been running except for Saturday is hills, hills, and more hills. That's my story!
Best of luck to all who are racing this weekend, go Aron!! Just do it!! Peace!!
Totals-5.4 miles/ 59:28/ 11:01's.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Bombs away!!!
Today was a better day than yesterday, running wise. I started off feeling a little less old! After two very slow miles; 11:58, 10:55, I felt like pushing a little, 9:59, 9:58, 8:57, 9:09-I was relaxed and cruising. The hills didn't slow me too bad and I stretched it on the downs. My buddy Larry hooked up with me for a while. He's about the happiest Lab I've every known.
I was thinking as I registered that 9:09 mile that this is the pace I have to average to get my sub-4. Man...this is gonna be tough! I will definitely need a solid taper. I'm pretty sure I will do a three week taper based off of a 50 mile week. I will have to be carbo loaded to the hilt! I must have a good strategy for refueling, and the weather will need to cooperate.
Thought for the day- "Think big...act small". Think about it....
Totals-6.24 miles/ 1:03:02/ 10:06's. Peace!
This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...
The home stretch I slept great last night! Truly like a baby! That was nice. W...
Keeps going and going and going...till Monday! I was totally exhausted yesterday! Even a high energy person like me can burn out and I was f...
Sticking with my TV theme from yesterday...The original Star Trek was a favorite of mine. Why? That statement "going where no man has g...