Monday, May 31, 2010
A new week
43 minutes today, felt good.....if you're racing enjoy! I miss it! Hope to be able to run one before Summer is out...Peace!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
I'm still strange to most people!
Wear a white hat, be very hydrated...(this is a way of life, hydration that is)...start slow, go easy, you will adapt!! Then wait 'til Fall rolls around! You will be Superman or Superwoman!!
Today was my long run (LOL) 4.58 miles, the heel/ankle feels good! I will take it one day at a time but this week I put 15 miles on it and it's feelin' fine!! Happy weekend!! Peace!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Don't Push Me!!
I have to be careful to not push the tendon or ankle....I mean I really did a number on this puppy back in November! This is in no way a set back but I am not at 100% by any means. I will run once more this week, Saturday, and hope to see the ankle-tendon continuing to improve.
I am just now beginning to establish a base camp. If I can keep on I expect to begin increasing in a few weeks. Having some good friends over...hope we can get our minds off of the recent life changing event. I seem to be getting better faster than Sandy, but that is to be expected, this issue is hitting very close to her heart.
Hope you all are running and training well. I'm itching to race! Peace!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Summer, Reptiles, and Roadkill
The snakes are sneaky and numerous. You really have to be observant or else you'll get a nice scare. Unless you like snakes? Especially the poisonous kind? Saw a green snake that didn't make it across the road and spied a couple of others along the road. The creeks are full of 'em. They do serve a viable service in the scheme of things, but....
Anyway...30 minutes of hard effort today. I took every hill and finished with two minutes of sub 7 min mile pace! I really need to continue to be careful and cautious with the foot, but it is feeling better...Peace!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
T-Storms and a Pre-me?
I got home...the phone rang.....then I finally got out the door....another t-storm moving I ran up and down the lane in case the lightning and rain started...I made it!!!! 30 minutes!
I don't want to get to excited but my foot is feeling great! Peace!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Running and Mountain Climbing
Running is very much like Mountain climbing! Here is a thought about one of the similarities:
Climbers have base camps, right? Runners need base miles. As climbers make the ascent they'll establish other base camps, so do runners...example; 12 miles a week base-20 miles a week base-then the summit!
I am trying to establish the first base camp! I have one week down! Pathetic! However, I am committed to not fall into injury again so I will be patient! I've been on this climb before, yet breaking the four hour mark in the marathon seems a long way up right now.
30 minutes of running in the 85 degree weather. Peace!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Long run, Huh?
I will go one more week with 30 minutes a run, trying for five runs. I had a great round of golf yesterday. I was looking at carding another sub 80 but # 17 got me for a triple Bogey! Ugh! Finished with an 81.
My game is as good as it's ever been, I'm playing with tons of confidence. I hope my running game comes back as good. Peace!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
The Letter
So, when I was 12 years old the guy that wrote this song moved into our neighborhood. His name is Wayne Carson. All the girls were ga ga over him! They'd stand out in front of his house singing this song!! He'd speed up and down our street on his Harley with his buddies. Eventually he moved away but the memories are vivid! Today I mailed a letter. I sure hope it carries the emotion I felt as I was writing. Letters can carry great weight and impact. I hope this one does.... Today was a good day on the roads! 30 minutes for the third time this week. I may not run tomorrow as I might go golfing! I always carry my bag when I go for the sake of exercise but also I feel closer to the game. Hope all is well with you! Peace!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Running and the Woodpecker
Today we are expecting drenching rains. I got out early, the sky overcast, nary a breeze, sound travels far and seems to be magnified in these conditions. The most dominate sound was of a Woodpecker! He was hammering away on some distance deciduous delectable.
I am now at a plateau point. I am going to "try" to run five times a week for 30 minutes a pop. I am allowing the heel and foot to mend as I have gradually increased stress.
As I made the turn for home I heard another Woodpecker! Hammering with incredible speed for the prize! I likened this to running. We know where the reward is....we work hard for it...sometimes we are rewarded, sometimes the prey escapes, yet we do not quit! Ever hunting and hungering! One other observation: He's not satisfied if he does find satisfaction...there is always that ever recurring hunger...just like a runner....hungering for a PR, to break a barrier.
Yep...runners are like woodpeckers! 30 minutes of good effort...Peace!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Count the blessings
Sandy and I are still on this emotional roller coaster dealing with a devastating family has been good to have my College boy in town. He and his girlfriend are going out with us for dinner tonight. Looking forward to it....peace!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Life is full of surprises!!
A really nice day with steady rain and/or drizzle. I've increased my running time to 29 minutes and I am excited about my gradual recovery! I am thankful for my blogging friends, you all are awesome!! Peace!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I often wonder what it's like to give up!? I can't really think of anything in my life that I've quit! Even a job....or a my mind I persisted in a proper way.
Now, after years of injury free running there is a negative persistence the dreaded injury! I am healing but man is it taking a long time! I managed 28 minutes today. The last three days I have been overwhelmed with an issue....not able to is like a dagger to my heart and I am dealing for the first time in my life with what I think is depression. I'd like to quit everything sometimes! But I'm still me....never been a quitter and I cannot start now! Peace
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Roller Coaster Ride

Friday, May 7, 2010
I am really running this week..possibly over doing as I have the tendency to do but I want to at least try...the heel and foot actually felt good again but I know I am pushing the envelope...
27 minutes on the road....having times of peace as the storm keeps raging...hope you all are well. Peace!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Day Three-
Sandy and I and the other hurting parties are being surrounded by love at this time. We see each day as new and filled with hope even though our hearts are shattered. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, I appreciate you all. Peace!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Life is tough
I wonder if a person could ask for their fellow Bloggers to say a prayer for and my Sweet heart are going through the most devastating situation a person could imagine. Our lives, and those very close to us, have changed for ever and we are weeping like we never least we have each is not a death in the family but seems almost worse....I wish I could tell you but it wouldn't be proper....bottom (at times) is tough...peace....
This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...
The home stretch I slept great last night! Truly like a baby! That was nice. W...
Keeps going and going and going...till Monday! I was totally exhausted yesterday! Even a high energy person like me can burn out and I was f...
Sticking with my TV theme from yesterday...The original Star Trek was a favorite of mine. Why? That statement "going where no man has g...