Friday, September 29, 2017
I managed another 10 miler but my right forefoot still starts burning. It is getting to be quite uncomfortable. I think it could possibly be my socks? So I am going to order some new ones and see if that helps. Plus I'll do a little researching and see what might be the problem. Otherwise I am in good condition! Hope you are running well! Peace!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Fall fast
Wow! 65 degrees+light rain+northwest breeze=Faster!! Summertime training always proves itself in the fall! Today I ran a 10 miler in 1:43.17. That is truly spectacular for this old feller! My last 5 miles were all under 10's so I ran strong! Almost like the old days!
I am thinking this new program of 10 milers is paying off! My right foot didn't burn as bad today either. Hope you are running well! Peace!
Monday, September 25, 2017
Water Bugs
So, the conservation agents are out in full force today! Three trucks...what's up I wonder? They are catching water bugs! This will give indications of stream health. If people would stop driving their 4 wheelers through the stream it might help!?
Well I was tired this morning, thinking I'd see what my body felt like doing. At about 2 miles I decided to head on home and settle for a three miler....too tired....suddenly I hit a dissociative state and wound up running my 10 miler!! I am glad!! Hope you are well!! Peace!
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Reptile pile!
It may be Fall but the snakes are very active! Saw a very large Copperhead....smashed by a car! Saw a pigmy Rattler and a green snake. Man it's crazy out there! Sadly lots of meanness, too. A form of meanness is inattentiveness. When we become so preoccupied with our social life (cell phone) we can't watch the road!! AARRGGG!
7 miles today. Finished with a 30 mile week! Hope all is well with you!! Peace!
Thursday, September 21, 2017
Last day....
So Summer is officially over tomorrow....bummer. I did manage a mid afternoon run in the 90 degree temps....wonderful!!! Oh Summer how I will miss you! 6 miler today. Hope you are well! Peace!
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
I'm supposed to take the day off after 10 or more milers but I could not resist the call of Summer! As you know and see, Summer is gasping its last breath! Oh how I will miss you Summertime!
But today I got to run in the 90ish, sunshine, humidity....oh how delightful! 4 miles. Feelin' fine! Hope you are well! Peace!
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
Endeavor to persevere
My all time favorite movie is "The outlaw Josie Wales." In the movie one of Josie's compatriots states, "we must endeavor to persevere!"
As a Runner this must be our theme! Running produces fitness and well being and this condition has to be maintained. Fitness can be lost quickly! True Runners, those eternally infected with the running "gene". Will never quit!
I had to listen to my body and take yesterday off. So I endeavored to persevere today and ran a 10 miler!!! Hope you are well! Peace!!
Saturday, September 16, 2017
A drop in the bucket!
So my forefoot has been burning a little...I massaged and stretched last night. These ten milers might be too taxing. I have so enjoyed this program though! I've run 10 miles on Monday, Wednesday and Friday with a day of complete rest in between. Then on Saturday I do a short run, say 3-5 miles. Today I did three and it seemed so short! I did some speed work with 1 minute at mile pace with one minute rest, 6 total....the foot felt grand!! Hope you are well! Peace!
Friday, September 15, 2017
Smoke in your eyes!
So today I was stopped by a neighbor as he was driving by, he wanted to tell me a joke. He was smoking a really was a nasty smell...I kept dodging the smoke. The joke was funny!
Then a big truck went by belching black smoke...nasty!
10 miles in again!!! I'm goin' crazy folks!! Hope you are well! Peace!
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Super sensitive
I think men are perhaps bigger babies than women. Women seem to have a depth to their ability to embrace pain verses a man....just an opinion but based on my experience. My wife can carry on in sickness or mild ailments but me.....well if I'm sick it's a national emergency. Even if I have the slightest pain or discomfort while running I get alarmed!
I will try to toughen up! 10 miles in the wonderful Summer sunshine and warmer temps! Hope you are well! Peace!
Monday, September 11, 2017
Forefoot issues
My forefoot on the right foot has been a pain! After about 6-7 miles it begins to burn. I've had this as a recurring issue for years but it is becoming more faithful to harass me! I guess I will have to shop around for a new shoe. I reckon forefoot and toe box stability will be what I look for. Anyway, a good effort today!! 10 miles in the beautiful sunshine! Oh the cool breeze was so delightful! Wow what a great day to run! Hope you are well! Peace!
Friday, September 8, 2017
So I was invited to help out a Bluegrass group this week. Playing a gig in Branson. Fun! But. It. Cost. Me. Running!! I don't like to miss my running time.
I've been on a 10 miler kick lately so I ran 10 today! That gives me 20 miles in just two runs this week! Funny how the body and mind adapt to new demands. I just know I need to be careful because I can and have run myself into injury! Hope you are well! Peace!
Monday, September 4, 2017
Summer reprieve!
Summer is back today!! Hot and humid! Sunshine galore!! We also had a nice breeze!
I had hopes of running 15 miles today but toasted out and finished with a 10 miler. I'm not the least bit disappointed! I feel good and running is going good. Hope you are well! Peace!
Saturday, September 2, 2017
So three ten milers this week and a 5 miler today make for some seriously sore quads. Seems like my quads are a weak spot. Through the years this is the area that will bite me in the later miles. I remember running Grandmas and I was on track for a way under 4 hour marathon, suddenly, at mile 20, boom! Quads felt like concrete! I barely survived with a 4:06 somethin'.
So I will hope that all the miles and hills will make them stronger and more durable! Hope you are well! Peace!
Friday, September 1, 2017
Fall like
So we have had a very mild Summer. With plentiful rains and cool temps August finished out as a very nice month indeed! I noticed today, as I ran in the 70 degree temps, how hot weather running pays off. I ran 10 miles the fastest in a long time! I do hold out hope for at least one more heat wave! I really would like to run some races but they are getting so pricy! One race wants 75 bucks for a 6 mile run! Crazy! The SWAG is not nearly good enough for that kind of money. I will pay if it goes to a good cause, though.
Hope you at well! I got three 10 milers in this week! Peace!!
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This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...
The home stretch I slept great last night! Truly like a baby! That was nice. W...
Keeps going and going and going...till Monday! I was totally exhausted yesterday! Even a high energy person like me can burn out and I was f...
Sticking with my TV theme from yesterday...The original Star Trek was a favorite of mine. Why? That statement "going where no man has g...