So we ended up with around 8 inches of the fluffy white stuff. Since my treadmill toasted, I was knocking off 8 min miles when it stopped, I'm relegated to outdoor cardio.
Doesn't look too runnable out here yet. My driveway is long and wide so I tackled it with my trusty snow shovel. Now being 54 years old I'm a great candidate for the ole' heart attack, right?
I started slow, got warmed-up and developed a new work-out called the "snow plow". I finished in under two hours dripping wet with sweat! And my driveway is clear! Guess I could run up and down it?!
I was hoping to take another hike but this effort will be enough for today. I will probably not run until Monday, but what matters is getting the heart rate up there and sustaining an effort. I will be back to racing form even if it kills me....?
Other notes- We have five bird feeders that are very active. Yesterday we noticed two hawks that were preying on our birds! Amazing and spectacular is nature!
This snow reminded me of many good times I had as a child and as a Dad. Somewhat melancholy because of the empty nest and no one to play with....Sandy's not much for building snow forts!. Peace!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Into the woods-
We have about 5 inches of snow now and it's still falling. I decided to go for a hike. What better time to explore the woods? You leave tracks so you can't get lost! So one hour of hiking in the Ozark Mtns! A wonderful time. No noise! Peaceful!! Somewhat treacherous, though. Hidden logs, rocks, root wads, had to go slow and careful.I had an idea of where I could explore and where I might cross the highway, I was right. I came out on W south and headed home. I was passed by three vehicles! The first was a nice elderly Ozarker in a little black truck. He stopped to see if I needed a ride. I told him I was hiking. The next encounter was two guys out jeeping. They were kind hearted too and asked if I was okay. When I said I was hiking they said "cool!" The third vehicle was a snow plow. I got way out of the way!! I'm thinking about another hike tomorrow! Hope you're not having to deal with this kind of weather. O well...Summer is inching closer!! Did I say I love Summer? Peace!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Today, driving home from the church, I saw other runners on my roads!!!!!! I am not alone out here!!! I am so excited! I wanted to stop, get out and chat....but I'm a runner and that would've been weird?!
The two of them were coming down my road as I was hauling firewood into the garage but I think they turned around as the dogs began to bark and chase them, I was going to assure them they wouldn't attack! Remember all my experiences out here with the neighborhood attack dogs!
Anyway, I am kind of glad I am not alone out here! Today was a good day for me on the roads. I felt better today than I have in a long, long time. My pace was stronger and my body seems to be responding to recent runs.
I still am keeping all my runs at 30 minutes with hill repeats. I did five today! Well, the big snowstorm is on its way. We are expecting 6-12 inches. Hope all's well with you! Peace!
The two of them were coming down my road as I was hauling firewood into the garage but I think they turned around as the dogs began to bark and chase them, I was going to assure them they wouldn't attack! Remember all my experiences out here with the neighborhood attack dogs!
Anyway, I am kind of glad I am not alone out here! Today was a good day for me on the roads. I felt better today than I have in a long, long time. My pace was stronger and my body seems to be responding to recent runs.
I still am keeping all my runs at 30 minutes with hill repeats. I did five today! Well, the big snowstorm is on its way. We are expecting 6-12 inches. Hope all's well with you! Peace!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Still pluggin'
I continue my adventure with the hill repeats. 9 of 'em today on my nearly 1/10th 12% grade hill. The Garmin battery died but I'm sure I managed a little over half an hour all in all. Bad weather moving is Winter after all! Looks like ice, snow, sleet, rain....I wish I hadn't burned up my treadmill!
Off to Branson....must go to a conference. Peace!
Off to Branson....must go to a conference. Peace!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I'm big on leadership. Servant leadership that functions quite well in the world and brings great results. One of the axioms that must be remembered in order be an excellent leader is this one: "Face the brutal reality" What that means is simple-be honest! Truly assess the reality of each and every situation and circumstance. Establish where you stand, how you react, what's your impulse, involvement, blind side? Too many people are living encased in a make believe world! Breakout and live to your fullest!
Enough preaching.....I've faced my brutal reality today! I've been a slacker runner! I have been lazy and wimpish. Today I ran again!! Three days this week! Every other day as I've planned, with hill repeats each time! I feel good! The brutal reality is how will I exist? Brave or beaten? Courageous or cowardly! I choose to take charge and lead!
5 repeats today! Peace-best of luck to Meg and BS in their marathon!!
Enough preaching.....I've faced my brutal reality today! I've been a slacker runner! I have been lazy and wimpish. Today I ran again!! Three days this week! Every other day as I've planned, with hill repeats each time! I feel good! The brutal reality is how will I exist? Brave or beaten? Courageous or cowardly! I choose to take charge and lead!
5 repeats today! Peace-best of luck to Meg and BS in their marathon!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Feel the Burn, Baby!
Today the weather changed!!!! Yesterday it was 60 and sunny...I rested, today 40 and blustery...I ran. So I do an easy warm-up of around 15 minutes, I start feeling the "fat burn" evidence that I've been laying off exercise and laying on the pounds! I'm happy! A good sign! So I hit the hill repeats again! 7 of them and I jogged back down on each one. Here's what I'm doing...burning more calories in less time! I am sucking air but lovin' it! Maybe I'll be back to a regular course of training, soon? I seriously doubt I can be race ready very soon but if I can JUST KEEP on the very other day pattern!!!
Well, much to do today, The African Choir is in town, also, I hear through the faith based grapevine that several Haitian orphans may be making their way to Springfield. Sandy and I have been talking......Peace!!
Well, much to do today, The African Choir is in town, also, I hear through the faith based grapevine that several Haitian orphans may be making their way to Springfield. Sandy and I have been talking......Peace!!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
What are you..out of your mind?
So I ran 12 hill repeats today!!! That is really stupid! I'm so out of condition and have virtually no miles since the marathon in November, and I opted for a 485 foot long 12% grade 10 times with two climbs twice as long. I really feel like I got a work out, though!
It took 31 minutes and I walked down on most of them....I will tell you I haven't sucked air like this in a long time......could it be I am needing to blow the cob webs out?
Funny.....even in the doldrums you all haven't given up on me! I even had someone start following as recently as yesterday....they believe in me! I will tell you the struggle with running like I used to; and the reality of now, is very difficult to accept. I am older. My body is just not responding like it used to, I am not complaining for I rejoice that I am able to run in any manner, it is just the hard truth. When 8's were an easy training pace now they are an elusive HM pace!
Such is the way of life....on another note Sandy and I will be hosting some folks from Uganda this Thursday night. The Watoto Children's Choir from Uganda will be performing at OHC (the church I Pastor) it's going to be BIG!!! OHC is also blessed to have been supporting a Missionary in Haiti, we have been hearing from them and we will be sending some resources soon. Peace, all!
It took 31 minutes and I walked down on most of them....I will tell you I haven't sucked air like this in a long time......could it be I am needing to blow the cob webs out?
Funny.....even in the doldrums you all haven't given up on me! I even had someone start following as recently as yesterday....they believe in me! I will tell you the struggle with running like I used to; and the reality of now, is very difficult to accept. I am older. My body is just not responding like it used to, I am not complaining for I rejoice that I am able to run in any manner, it is just the hard truth. When 8's were an easy training pace now they are an elusive HM pace!
Such is the way of life....on another note Sandy and I will be hosting some folks from Uganda this Thursday night. The Watoto Children's Choir from Uganda will be performing at OHC (the church I Pastor) it's going to be BIG!!! OHC is also blessed to have been supporting a Missionary in Haiti, we have been hearing from them and we will be sending some resources soon. Peace, all!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A break from the cold!!!! These nice days have made it easier to get out the door. Thanks, friends, for the words of encouragement. I ran another 30 minutes today. I continue to try to rebound mentally, and think I'm progressing.
My goal still remains every other day running. We will see. I've not done well lately. Today was different, cleaned the garage from all the nasty road residue...salt, etc, and felt the call to run! I'm taking Lindsy's advice and I'm realizing how good I feel right now! Peace!!
My goal still remains every other day running. We will see. I've not done well lately. Today was different, cleaned the garage from all the nasty road residue...salt, etc, and felt the call to run! I'm taking Lindsy's advice and I'm realizing how good I feel right now! Peace!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Well, I am struggling. It has been very difficult getting out the door for a run. Yes, I can list 18 excuses but I've always overcome them before?! I'm just in the doldrums. Here are some truths in regards to my current reality:
1) Too much "rest" is weakening me in body and spirit!
2) I am losing fitness as fast as the Polar ice cap is ice.
3) I want to run but find my resolve is weakened like a termite infested board.
4) I've been through this before.
5) I'm pretty sure I'll come out of the doldrums.
6) I've been pickin' the banjo a bunch!
Needless to say...don't give up on me friends!! I'm still reading your blogs and pulling for you. Today I forcefully decided I would run! 30 minutes of it and I felt pretty good! Peace!
1) Too much "rest" is weakening me in body and spirit!
2) I am losing fitness as fast as the Polar ice cap is ice.
3) I want to run but find my resolve is weakened like a termite infested board.
4) I've been through this before.
5) I'm pretty sure I'll come out of the doldrums.
6) I've been pickin' the banjo a bunch!
Needless to say...don't give up on me friends!! I'm still reading your blogs and pulling for you. Today I forcefully decided I would run! 30 minutes of it and I felt pretty good! Peace!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
In My Underwear!!
Catchy title, huh? But it's true! I ran in my underwear today-3 degrees with a -20 wind chill. Okay! I had my long john pants on outside my tights. I have searched for a metaphor to illustrate the intensity of the cold but to no is nearly brutal. The wind actually tries to take the fun out of the run! However, I made it fine and actually feel pretty good about myself! I am staying on track and hope to be race ready by 3/27. There's a very nice HM in Springfield on that date. I ran a 1:55+ last year and I'm sure I can beat that time.
Well, here's hoping you are well and that the southern breezes will come again....soon!
Totals-3.01 miles-Peace!
Well, here's hoping you are well and that the southern breezes will come again....soon!
Totals-3.01 miles-Peace!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I'm out there---
Yep, these temps we are enduring are really unusual. They say it's been ten years since we've had such a cold snap. Ten years ago I was (unknowingly) in the last months of a three year every day running streak so I've run in these sub zero temps. Bundle up! Layers of cloths! Runners; We know how to layer! I couldn't resist the urge to go out today and run! Sun shinning, snow glistening, road I went and it was good! It's one of those days when you can see the shadow of your breath! That cold!! I explored! I played! I thought! Only two vehicles passed me. I love it! Hope you are doing well today! One really good thing to note? Every day means more daylight!! I love Summer! It's getting closer-Totals-3.01 miles. I am continuing to gradually increase miles, the body is in perpetual soreness; growing old ain't fun! Peace!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Yes, I'm crazy!!
People think if you run in this below freezing, snow covered weather you are either a nut, insane, or that redundant? That, too!
Yet it is perhaps the most delightful time to run, especially once the body is warmed. I am gradually increasing and trying with all diligence to maintain my plan of every other day running. We are facing the coldest temps in 10 years! So? People want to make a crisis out of everything, have you noticed that? Keep running...rain, sleet, snow, frozen air....injury,'s the goal that drives! Stay warm! Totals-2.45 miles- Peace!
Yet it is perhaps the most delightful time to run, especially once the body is warmed. I am gradually increasing and trying with all diligence to maintain my plan of every other day running. We are facing the coldest temps in 10 years! So? People want to make a crisis out of everything, have you noticed that? Keep running...rain, sleet, snow, frozen air....injury,'s the goal that drives! Stay warm! Totals-2.45 miles- Peace!
Friday, January 1, 2010
2010-day one-
A beautiful day today! Sun is shinning, temps in 20's, slight breeze. I've decided on an every other day approach to my running right now. I want to ease back in and add some other strengthening stuff for a while. Then I'll begin to obsess about miles again! I logged 1497.76 miles last year. I imagine running about that D this year. I'm looking at about the same races, too. My big hope is to take a vacation to Yellowstone this year, see my Aunt in Colorado, get my golf game back to decent, plant some more trees, love my wife more, it's all doable!
I am not one to make resolutions. Sad fact: 92% of resolutions fail, 80% by Jan 21st! But I believe in self discipline. That is why running and runners are very special people! We are motivated and disciplined. Hope you reach all your goals this year and set bunches of PR's!! Peace! Totals-2.63 miles
I am not one to make resolutions. Sad fact: 92% of resolutions fail, 80% by Jan 21st! But I believe in self discipline. That is why running and runners are very special people! We are motivated and disciplined. Hope you reach all your goals this year and set bunches of PR's!! Peace! Totals-2.63 miles
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This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...
The home stretch I slept great last night! Truly like a baby! That was nice. W...
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