Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Presidential visit
So I wrote the President a letter about 6 weeks ago. He's in town today....I haven't heard back from him...perhaps he'll give me a call....ya think?
In the "old days" letters were valued and so were the writers. We live in exciting times to say the least!
Well I may be barking up the wrong tree but I ran another 10 miler today. My pace was even reasonable! I could take tomorrow off now since I'm up to 20 miles already this week. Then I could run another 10 miler! It's a thought! Don't give up! Keep fighting, pushing, running the race!
Hope all is well with you! Peace!
Monday, August 28, 2017
Back home
I was in Washington DC for four days last week. We drove up to visit with Evan, our fine son! It was a great trip and we truly enjoyed our time together. However; I did miss a bunch of running though! Only one run all of last week! So back to the roads today. I did a 10 miler and I tried to make it a progression run but around 6 miles I tanked! I still had a respectable outing. I must always remember that I live in hill country! This is why my quads are eternally sore! Well I sure hope you are well! Peace!
Monday, August 21, 2017
Running the eclipse
So I had my time frame off a bit. I wanted to do my longest run during the eclipse but I was an hour early! So it's eclipsing now as I input my 10 miler. I was very slow today...probably because it is 91 degrees with a dew point in the 70's. I do love Summer time running.
Hope you are well! Peace!
Friday, August 18, 2017
Rough week
Too busy!! Yet I do absolutely love what I do it certainly can thwart running time! I had to skip my run yesterday and with the run cut short on Wednesday (thunderstorms) I am way down on mileage this week. Although my poor body is so stiff and sore you'd think I'd run back to back marathons!
So I did an easy 9 miler today. I had a couple decent mile splits but all in all an average slog. At least I'm out there!
Hope you are well....what a world we live in...the beauty and the beast of it....peace!
Monday, August 14, 2017
A bridge to nowhere
To sharpen means to put an edge on or to be at your best. In training there is actually a sharpening phase a racer employs to be at their very best when the gun goes off.
Due to lack of HM's in the region, and I have currently been on a "bridge to nowhere" training program, I have opted to sharpen and run a 10K in the next 4-5 weeks. I have a real solid base. I can't keep continuing to increase miles w/o a goal? Injury would result then where would I bee? Nowhere!
So in order to run a 10K in need some specific training. I cut down the LR today to 10 miles and did an 8:43 mile from 8 to 9. I was proud of that!!
So...I will select a 10K! Hope you are well. Peace!
Saturday, August 12, 2017
And Holding
I weighed in at 174ish today. That's usually about how low I can go. It gets very difficult to shed much more weight at this point. I have to do two more miles and take in only necessary calories. I wonder if I could get down to high school weight? 153!
It is absolutely beautiful weather here....overcast, 70+, humid. Couldn't be better! I had a short run on tap today with speed work. A mile warm-up the 5X.25miles with one minute rest between. I guess I ran at mile pace. Sad to say my mile pace is what my average training pace used to be...but growing old is a privilege denied to many, as they say.
3.4 miles with 33 miles grand total this week! Hope you are well! Peace!!
Thursday, August 10, 2017
The advent of disrespect
Growing up I used to love to listen to the "grown-ups" talk. I found current events, politics, and philosophy very intriguing. Whenever I would want to "pipe" in my Pop would shut me down! It was disrespectful for a kid to join in an adult conversation. No, we were only to listen. We were taught respect, were you?
Last night I saw another example of what I identify as a significant cultural trend-blatant disrespect. My neighbor is a sweet elderly lady. She has lived in this area before they took a census! I saw her disrespected by a carload of nabobs. Sad.
Is there any hope?
I managed a 6 miler in the wonderful swelter of Summer. Sadly Summer is on the wane here. Things are thinning, Nuts are dropping, deer are foraging....Winter's looming.
Hope you are well! peace!
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Sedentary is scary
Today I went to a local restaurant and I truly was astounded by the prevalence of obesity. Of course not everyone was obese but nearly all were probably overweight. It is kind of a sad commentary on the condition of our nation. Vast numbers of Americans have insatiable appetites and are living spiritually and relationally obese. I truly believe that physical condition will speak to spiritual condition. If the body matters then a person is taking responsibility to discipline themselves to a healthy lifestyle.
Of course running is the answer to getting in shape!! Running forces issues! You have to face the brutal reality of the road, the suffering, and the risks. Running fashions the mind and is the antidote to lethargy and complacency! The brain hungers for the time to think and respond.
Today I managed an easy 7 miler. Boy there was a lot of traffic....sadly it had some mean people thrown in....hope you are well! peace!
Monday, August 7, 2017
Long(er) run
The weather is amazing here! We've had plenty of rain! It's cloudy and cool-(70ish) breezy. I truly enjoyed the run today even though I was very tired from yesterday. I made myself go out and I actually began to feel better. I ran walked a 5min/1min ratio and it certainly benefited me! So 12 miles in today! Hope you are well! Peace!
Friday, August 4, 2017
Old age drag
So I am certainly a young looking 62 yr old. Especially with my hat on, but if I get knocked off my routine I find it causes me drag. I ate late last night and too much! Didn't sleep well, ran like I was dragging a ton of bricks. Fortunately it was only 3.3 miles!! Performing a wedding tonight!! Hope all is well with you! Peace!
Thursday, August 3, 2017
Summer is back!
Today I was out for a late morning-pre-noon run. The Summer heat and humidity is back! YAY!!
I am having great difficulty curtailing miles. I put in too many today-4.7, thus leaving me with two runs to cover 6.3 miles! Too easy! But. The. Body. Must. Rest!
I am already thinking about Monday and the long run so I will be back to putting in miles!
Well I have a wedding to officiate this week. I always enjoy doing weddings of folks I know and love. This one ought to be a real joy! Hope you are well! Peace!
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Hey! My Garmin USB is working again!!
So computers are stupid! Or maybe it's not the machine? Anyway my Garmin site is back where I can check the record of my run. Today I felt really strong (for a change). I guess cutting down Monday and the cooler temps today played a part. I managed two miles sub 10 mpm during my 6 miler. I am only supposed to log 25 total miles this week so I best slow down! Sitting at 14 miles with three runs to go this week! Piece of cake! It will be hard to hold under 25!
Hope you are well! Peace!
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This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...
The home stretch I slept great last night! Truly like a baby! That was nice. W...
Keeps going and going and going...till Monday! I was totally exhausted yesterday! Even a high energy person like me can burn out and I was f...
Sticking with my TV theme from yesterday...The original Star Trek was a favorite of mine. Why? That statement "going where no man has g...