Thursday, October 26, 2017
Time is a relentless enemy sometimes! Fitness can be lost over time! The avid runner must be alert and aware of striving to maintain a level of fitness yet we all drop off at times. There is certainly a season for everything.
I have done two runs since the race. I'm feeling no worse for the wear. I did have a sore and tight left calf muscle for a couple of days but it recovered nicely.
So I will get back to my 25ish mile weeks and see what upcoming race might be appealing.
Hope you are well! Peace!
Saturday, October 21, 2017
4 miles 4 kids
So a perfect day to race! 60's, overcast, breezy. The field was small and club racers were sparse!
I was probably the only guy in my age group that would be considered a racer. I think I finished 7th overall, that tells you about the field!
However, there were some good runners and the event was really very well done. I will run it again! I didn't wait around for the awards due to time constraints but the accolades are not really necessary. I ran very well for my current reality. I had a 38:23 unofficial but the distance was actually 4.24 miles and not 4! Everyone that had a Garmin noted the distance disparity.
To be expected when novices put on an event....still a great race! I ran well. An 8:46 first mile, followed by an 8:54 mile, the a 9:14, then a 9:11...finished the race neck and neck with someone trying to pass me. Talked to a sweet young lady (20-25) she finished just ahead of me. I mentioned I was trying to catch her, she said I was her inspiration to keep pushing! Yes, we were racing! She's training for the big annual HM here in November. I encouraged her!
Hope you are well! Peace!
Friday, October 20, 2017
A different sort
In racing I prefer the longer distances.....why? Because it's not an all out effort that 5K demands. I ain't racin' as a "fun" run! No sir! I'm going out to do my best! So this upcoming 4 mile race is a short distance demanding an all out effort. I hope to come in some where between 36-40 minutes. I hold out no aspirations for a trophy due to the fact that there are tons of old geezers that run well around here!
I did an easy 3 miler today. Fall is coming! Leaves dropping. Skies greying. Winds blowing!
Hope you are well! Peace!
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Tengo Hambre!
Man I got hungry while I was running today! I guess I forgot to take in enough calories! It cost me the last couple of miles some discomfort but I survived.
Now I need to restrain the urge to pig out! Another absolutely beautiful day! 70's with sunshine and strong south breeze. I managed 8 miles with a bit of right front foot burn. Sigh....
Hope to race strong Saturday!! Hope all is well with you! peace!
Monday, October 16, 2017
Race week
So I do hope to run a 4 mile race this Saturday. I'm pretty sure I can easily break 40 minutes but 36 minutes might be a better target. Whatever it is I will just be glad to run!
Today was a perfect day for running. 60ish, sunny, and a nice north breeze. I logged 8 miles with the last mile an 8:48. Pretty peppy for this fella!
I will off tomorrow, then another 8 on Wednesday, then a short run Thursday, off Friday race Saturday. Potential of 24-25 mile week. Foot is feeling better, too!
Hope all is well with you! Peace!
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Strong finish
In racing have you ever been passed at the very end of the race? Some guy comes blowing by you? It's obvious he had something left...certainly we all want to give a "kick" during the end phase of a race. Yet a race well run will have left everything on the course and the finish would be in respect to the race. A strong finish is pushing into a zone that is devoid of reserve and is dependent upon heart. It is only for you to know. One thing for sure....I will fight to keep that dude from passing me!!
A little 3.3 miler with some pace work. Hope you are well! Peace!
Friday, October 13, 2017
Working it out
So my new training schedule is a work in progress. Four running days per week. One run is a tempo run, or some form of speed work. One run is a progression run, and the other two are LSD runs. This week I've run three seven milers and tomorrow is my speed day.
I do still hope to race next Saturday. A four miler for a good cause!
Hope all is well with you! Peace!
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Being in season is an important concept to grasp. The truly successful life understands that there are seasons in life. We will experience birth, growth, death, joy, grief, and a multitude of other life experiences. Each has a season.
Runners must be in season and the Fall is a great time to race! The hot Summer running is now paying dividends!
I hope to race the 21st of this month. It is a 4 mile race for a very good cause. So I can endure the entry fee. Man, fees have skyrocketed!
I ran 7 miles in 1:07:33. Pretty good! Hope you are well! Peace!
Monday, October 9, 2017
Summer in Autumn
We are being blessed with temps in the 80's!! It is supposed to end tonight but man I have enjoyed!!
Last week I did a super-cutdown week. I did four runs at only 3 miles. I have been doing 4 runs a week but usually averaging 33-35 miles a week. So I did gain some significant rest. Today I decided to go real easy and test the psyche and body. I felt pretty good and finished with 7.1 miles w/o any foot burning.
I can't imagine life w/o running. I've been doing it for so long! We were going through family pics yesterday and in virtually every picture I am runner thin. It's part of my identity. I pray I will be running in my 90's!
Hope all is well with you! Peace!
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Feeling a little refueled
As I had a lingering burnout now I am sensing a slight refueling of zeal. I need to be careful or I will exist on the "teeter Totter of over-training."
Keep running but keep resting. I began today's effort with a one mile walk with my Sweetheart, then I took off and notched a three miler in 29:04! That's pretty decent for me in my stage of running life. Plus I have to conquer hills on virtually every run! Oh how I miss the flats!
Hope you are running well! Peace!
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Easy street!
So my body and psyche have determined I need to cut back I don't want to but I can sense a lingering burnout. So three miles Monday and three miles today. Seems like a short jaunt to the mailbox! I am running the third mile at around 10K pace so it's not all fun and games. I still have the racers heart! Hope to rebound and keep the strong base from eroding. Hope you are well! Peace!
Monday, October 2, 2017
Cut Down
So I can tell when overtraining is lurking in the back of my mind....I start thinking negatively regarding runs. It is time for a retooling of the training. I will chop miles and increase pace. This will serve as a sharpening phase and also allow me to recover some zeal! 3 miles today...felt like a jog to the mailbox! Last mile was a 9:28. Hope you are well! peace!
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