Saturday, December 31, 2016
Now onward!
104 days of training culminated with a very successful race. I did an unofficial 2:05.39. 9:30's. I really am very pleased with this performance.
The race was great. In regards to the organizers-great job! The volunteers were great. This race is 4 loops for the HM and 8 laps for the full. It really is fun! I enjoyed it.
This made for one aid station that I walked each time taking Gatorade and water. The last loop I took a gu.
Crowded start...felt too good and knew I would blow it so I restrained my desire to swerve through the masses and settled down for a 9:49 first mile. Thing began to spread out and I shifted up a little based on how I felt-9:20.9 mile. Mile three I reeled back in thinking I was going too fast-9:24.7. I went through the finish loop in and I'm still with a group holding on easily-9:05.6 mile. Believe me I was thinking I would burn out logging miles like this but I felt ok. Mile 5-9:33. I began to feel my quads filling up so I slowed intentionally. Mile 6-9:22.6. I was coming up to loop #2 and the crowds were motivating. The course was no longer crowded but quite stretched out...people everywhere. Mile 7-9:18.5. This was so encouraging! At this point I was able to begin reeling people in (also I was being passed by the elite runners) Mile 8-9:26.2. I went into my plan race pace for 5 min then ease back one min. Mile 9-9:27.5. It was here I really began working, suffering, racing. I passed bunches of "fun run" walkers....Mile 10-9:43.6. Some guy on the sidelines hollered my name and encouraged me...I didn't know him? Mile 11-9:41.1. You can see I'm slowing but I am working as hard as I can. Mile 12-9:42.7. I tried to catch the nearest person to help finish strong...Mile 13-9:45.9. Last (according to Garmin) .22-1:58. 2:05.39.
Observations reflections- I ran a nearly perfect race for me. Can I break 2 hours ever again? Lose a few more Lbs., add more speed work, besides that I think this time is about as good as it can get.
Well I will recover and choose another race. Hope you are well! Happy New Year!!
Friday, December 30, 2016
Race Eve
So, my second race this year is tomorrow! I ran an easy 2.9 miles today. One key for effective racing for older runners is to find the perfect balance of effort for the first one to two miles. Start too slow and you lose precious seconds, start too fast and you suck air and lose precious minutes!
I rely on the adrenaline to propel me in the first mile but I also restrain myself by using the Garmin.
I won't allow myself to run any faster than goal problem....setting very high goals.
Today after two miles I felt really good! I wanted to go faster and farther. It was a good sign.
So I will probably use 9:30's as a goal pace and go from there...I am using a 5/1 pattern but not run walk but race/LSD....follow me? If need be I will slow down for a minute but not walk...except at aid stations. So I'm rambling...I've worked hard for this race....Hope you are well! Peace!
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Time flies
Yesterday I ran 3.6 miles at a med-distance tempo. I felt pretty good. The weather was great. I still think I've prepared and tapered well. I have a short speed work session today.
I've run a lot of races in my day and one thing I've learned is you never really know how you will feel on race day. Sometimes you feel powerful and strong. You race well and finish having given everything you had in the tank. Other times (rarely) you feel like a slug. Slow, weak, just not your day. However; mind set plays a huge role in how you perform, too.
Having done the training, having a purposeful plan, thinking positive....this helps immensely!
Hope you are well! Peace!
Monday, December 26, 2016
Mondays....gotta love "em
So this is race week! I am cutting down 40% on each run so I did 6 miles today. It felt easy and I think my body is rebuilding and maintaining the peak...although all the Christmas cookies I ate yesterday didn't help! Oh man! My Mom-in-law can really make delicious cookies and I just kept popping them after another! I could feel those cookies on my waist today!
Tomorrow no run...maybe some outside work around the property but no cardio. I haven't really established any race goals. Since a PR is out of the question because I am older and slower it proves difficult to nail down a goal. I guess to try to be competitive in my age group but some of those guys are fast! Hope you are well! Peace!
Saturday, December 24, 2016
Week one Taper in the bag
Today was a great day to run outside-45ish-gray skies-slight breeze. I managed 6 X .25 repeats with a 1/2 of a tenth rest. My pace was probably too fast but my body felt like running.
I ran 24.4 miles this week and this reflects the cut down to 60% of last weeks mileage. My plan is to continue the taper with a 40% cut down on the next three runs. I will run Thursday instead of Friday next week, too.
My training program consists of only 4 running days per week. This is due to the aging issues and increased need for recovery. However; my miles are higher on these days so I can still get 40 miles in! Well I sure hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Merry Christmas! Peace!
Friday, December 23, 2016
Wet cold recovering
The weather is not conducive for an enjoyable run. If it were 80 degrees I might enjoy the drizzle but it's cold! So I hit the treadmill and knocked off a mid-distance pace run-60% of normal was 4.8 miles. This distance seemed so short! I managed to relax into 6.5 mph pace and loved being done so quick! I have been hungry, and I can tell my body is positively responding to the cut down.
Most the soreness in the legs, hips is gone. I feel good! I hope I can manage the taper where I continue to feel the body strengthening but don't get stale. It's a tough balance.
Tomorrow is speed work and I only have 3.6 miles slated! That will be over before I know it....
Hope you are warm and dry! Peace!
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
No monkey wrench!
No! I will not catch this creepy cr$#@y crud that everyone is getting! Oh my goodness! The coughing sneezing and hacking! I've tried to be diligent in hand washing but this morning I awoke with a sore throat! I ran anyway! It is now gone!
It was about 43 degrees with a gentle south wind. Skies overcast...perfect for running! The 60% cut down taper called for a 6 miler at medium tempo. I took a hilly route and man I ran strong (for me).
I am excited about the prospects for this upcoming race! Well hope you are well! Peace!
Monday, December 19, 2016
Taper trials!
There is much discussion about tapering, the hows and whys are the most oft discussed components of tapering.
The seasoned runner has learned (but maybe not retained) how to listen to their body. Thus with 13 days until the race I have noted that my body is extremely stiff and I need to rest just a tad in order to be properly primed for the race.
Therefore, this week I will cut-down to just 60% of last weeks miles. Then next Monday I will assess the condition of my body.
So I ran an LSD run of 10 miles today-60% less than last weeks run. I will rest tomorrow and then run 6 miles on Wednesday. Hope you are well! Peace!
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Two weeks-
I have trained hard and smart this cycle. I finished this week with 9 X .5miles with about 40 seconds of rest in between each segment. Totaling 6 miles. I finished this week with 40 miles. That's the most I've run in months!
Again, I feel good, fit, and ready to run a race in two weeks. Now for a "smart" taper!
Hope you all are well! Peace!
Friday, December 16, 2016
Day 16
So today I managed 8 miles @ 9:39's. I feel like a well oiled machine with all systems go. I truly have no idea how fast I can run this HM. The last one was slow but it was for all participants because of the hills. The race is flat and fast. I really ought to be able to run a sub 2hr HM so I am planning on racing.
Tomorrow I have 6 miles of speed wok slated then the taper begins. My taper plan is to keep the same workouts but lessen the distance.
Extreme cold is on the way! Let's have some Winter fun! Hope you are well! Peace!
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Day 18
I ran 10 miles today averaging 9:41's. I feel like I am peaking and my training has been going well. I just need to hold this level of fitness as I taper. I plan on finishing this week with 40 miles. That is the highest weekly total during this training cycle.
I will begin the taper next Monday as I trim about 25-30% of my mileage off of each run, yet keeping the LSD, mid-distance pace, and speed work efforts intact. This ought to maintain my fitness level.
I'm working on a race plan. I am thinking about breaking the HM into three segments designed to get as close to the 2 hr mark as possible. Hope you are well! Peace!
Monday, December 12, 2016
Day 20-TET
It is important in training for a race to know when to taper. We have to know our bodies and our personal TET-training effect threshold.
We can over train and wind up coming to the starting line worn out-or the opposite! We can taper too early and come to the starting line dulled rather than sharp.
Trial and error will reveal your personal TET. Mine is a 14 day taper with the last long run 12 days before the HM or FM. This is only a 16 miler but qualifies as a long run.
Then I decrease by at least 25% on every run the next three runs, then I take assessment of how my body feels and what I need to do to maintain sharpness. TET has already been surpassed runs ago so running needs to be fun and playful.
Today I achieved a quality long run-16 miles at 11:01's. Very pleased! three runs until taper starts!
Hope all is well with you! Peace!
Saturday, December 10, 2016
day 22-yet stronger
I did 4x1/2 mile repeats then 1.9 miles at 8:20 pace and all the while I felt strong. If I can manage the next three weeks properly I ought to have a good race.
I plan on logging 40 miles next week then start the taper. Hope you are well! Peace!
Friday, December 9, 2016
Day 23
Man its hard to believe that the race is three weeks from tomorrow! I have been diligently training but I've also been eating like a pig! So I guess I have a form of strong will power and a form of weak will power! A paradox I guess. I'm still thinner that I was for my last race and I do have three weeks to shed a pound or two more.
Today I managed a 7 mile med-distance run @ 10:29's. Not too bad. Very cold and breezy today.
So I'm up to 32 miles this week with speed work scheduled for tomorrow. Hope you are well! Peace!
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Day 25
One thing you can't stop....time! That's one reason I love running. The time spent running always has rewards. Instead of sitting, soaking, and souring the Runner is growing, transforming, and competing. The time we spend training will prove itself!
Today was one of those proof days. I ran a 10 miler (medium distance run) averaging 9:42's!
I feel great...pumped actually. Now a day of rest and another med-dist. run Friday with speed work on Saturday. This 4 run per week schedule is working for this old man! Hope you are well! Oh, btw- I forgot to celebrate my 32nd year of running. Running is truly a way of life! Peace!
Monday, December 5, 2016
Day 27
I was too pressed for time Saturday to blog but I did get my speed session in and complete the cut-down week with a total of 27 miles.
Now I have two weeks until taper starts. The race approaches! Today I needed a 15 miler and I got it! Plus I averaged 10:57's! I'm glad about that! Perfect LSD pace!
Now rest tomorrow and a medium distance effort on Wednesday. Looks like winter is coming! We are looking at below freezing temps and frozen precip! Hope all is well with you! Peace!
Friday, December 2, 2016
Day 30-
So I am cutting down by about 25% this week. My old body is creaky and sore but still in one piece! I managed a 4.2 miler on the wonderful country roads of Ozark...actually two roads is all I have and they were busy today!
Sadly it seems more and more folks are preoccupied as they drive and they don't see or care about pedestrians. I am becoming quite familiar with the ditch!
As a runner you cannot assume the driver sees you! I am now looking over my shoulder as I hear a vehicle they search FB they veer!
So tomorrow I will have at least 3.5 miles to get in as speed work. I also have to officiate a funeral ....hope and pray I can encourage, Hope all is well with you! Peace!
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