Saturday, July 30, 2011
Heat ain't so bad!
We are experiencing record setting heat....slight drought and crunchy ground! I didn't get out the door 'till 10 am today and it was already scorching. Sandy has been real sick so I needed to tend to her and some things around the house first. Finally all set to get my Saturday speed work in....I started strong! I have been feeling real good of late (knock on wood) and today I experienced the surge of strength again. I restrained until speed work and did 6X 2minutes @ HM pace (8:21's-9:10's) quite variable due to hills/heat. I walked for one minute in between each segment. Finished with another 65 minute run. I logged 29.53 total miles this week with 5:55.12 on the roads. July was the best month for me in probably 20 months! 117.7 total miles. I plan on continuing to build in distance and begin tweaking the training runs a bit. I may even work towards taking off three days a week instead of two, but we will see. Right now I need to get that long run established! Peace!
Friday, July 29, 2011
What's the rush?
Lilly Tomlin once said "even if you win the rat race you are still a rat!" Today traffic was nuts out here!? I counted 30 cars passing me and usually it's just a handful....what was odd was everyone seemed in such a hurry! Speeding, weaving, exuding a sense of urgency. I was in my own little world while the world seems to be running mad! Yet even this week it has seemed that time is short and work is long, life piles up and we often can't shovel fast enough to find the way out...
I actually ran a tad bit faster even as the record setting heat set in and blazed. I have one more run slated this week, a 6X2min @ HM pace road workout. Hope the traffic lets up!:) Today, 65 minutes of conversational pace running, I now have logged 23.76 miles this week. Peace!!
I actually ran a tad bit faster even as the record setting heat set in and blazed. I have one more run slated this week, a 6X2min @ HM pace road workout. Hope the traffic lets up!:) Today, 65 minutes of conversational pace running, I now have logged 23.76 miles this week. Peace!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Where the strength is....
Hill training how I love you! Hills plus heat equals a great work out! I remembered why I love Summer again today....I just can't articulate it.....Summer is the most wonderful time of year for me...
Anyway, I increased the hill to medium which is about 320 meters. I did 11 of them in 65 minutes. So busy today!! Pressed but not stressed! Hope you have a good one! Peace!!
Anyway, I increased the hill to medium which is about 320 meters. I did 11 of them in 65 minutes. So busy today!! Pressed but not stressed! Hope you have a good one! Peace!!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Looking for Shade!
I was running late today!! Finally got out the door by 10:15 and the sun was blazing with temps rising fast.....I love it!!!! Ah, Summer time, when the livin' is easy! One thing I do on these hot weather runs is always take advantage of the shade. So I will veer back and forth to enjoy the benifits of shade. I also enjoyed a few moments when clouds covered the sun. All in al 89 degrees with high humidity makes for a wet run!! Funny, though; I am feeling so strong! I had to pull in the reins and keep the run in conversational pace effort. I hope to break out early tomorrow and do 65 minutes of hills. Today; 65 minutes of running. I am up to 13.92 miles this week so far!! Peace
Monday, July 25, 2011
A Perfect Morn...
The heat wave has taken a slight break, we received 1/2 inch of rain yesterday and there remains a cloud cover. It is very sultry and humid but nothing like the toaster we've been living in lately.
I continue to build and added 5 minutes to the "long run" time today making it 95 minutes. I noticed increased strength and pacing due to the reprieve in temps and had to continually hold back. I am in fat burning mode right now! I have actually noticed a slight slimming the last two weeks?! Truth is I am not even in long run territory yet! I really am convicted to take it slow and build very gradually. I will get there! So 95 minutes of conversational pace running today. Tomorrow I will run either 60-65 minutes, Wednesday will be hills, Thursday off, Friday 60-65 minutes, Saturday 6X2 minutes intervals @ HM pace with 1 minute rest. Hope you are doing well! Peace!!
I continue to build and added 5 minutes to the "long run" time today making it 95 minutes. I noticed increased strength and pacing due to the reprieve in temps and had to continually hold back. I am in fat burning mode right now! I have actually noticed a slight slimming the last two weeks?! Truth is I am not even in long run territory yet! I really am convicted to take it slow and build very gradually. I will get there! So 95 minutes of conversational pace running today. Tomorrow I will run either 60-65 minutes, Wednesday will be hills, Thursday off, Friday 60-65 minutes, Saturday 6X2 minutes intervals @ HM pace with 1 minute rest. Hope you are doing well! Peace!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I'm Listening!!!
Today we received 1/4 inch of rain!!! So needed here...there is possibility of even more, too! The result of the rain, being good, was a steam cooker!! I started out and immediately began breathing was rapid, my head began getting light....I was in a steam cooker! I had planned 5X2min @ HM pace with a minute rest....I pushed on and at 20 minutes turned around and began the workout.....I decided I would walk between intervals and I found that I was able to do a quality workout.....there is a strange paradox...after the 5 intervals I was running faster and stronger? Finished with a great week...26.95 miles covered....I will keep building, building, building! Onward and upward! Tomorrow is Sandy's birthday so we are going to celebrate today and tomorrow!! Peace!!!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Wring out the old....
One reason I love Summer-early morning runs!! It is a wonderful time....the dew is still on the grass...the birds are already hard at it, a gentle breeze catches the shade and you feel the coolness of the morning.....nothing can beat it! Another thing I love about Summer; it will wring you out! The low temp this morning was 79 degrees! So needless to say it was already warm as I hit the roads, and the humidity is climbing!! This is sweating weather!! You will be assaulted by sweat! It will fill your eyes and shoes!! All you have to do, though, is stay hydrated! You will feel so good! Renewed! The old is wrung out!!
My Grandpa, he passed away in 1983 at the age of 83, gave me two bits of advice: 1) Take water internally, externally, and eternally, 2) Never go to a Chiropractor! I have followed his advice!
60 minutes of W south....that means hills! 23.2 miles total this week so far!! Off to Golf!! Peace!
My Grandpa, he passed away in 1983 at the age of 83, gave me two bits of advice: 1) Take water internally, externally, and eternally, 2) Never go to a Chiropractor! I have followed his advice!
60 minutes of W south....that means hills! 23.2 miles total this week so far!! Off to Golf!! Peace!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
What's a wave?
Well the super heat wave is on here in SW Mo. The ground is dried out....the plants are dying....I am having to water the trees which I really don't want to do, because they need to learn to be drought resistant, yet they are young and need some help right now!
I made it out early and put in 91 minutes...45 out 46 back....the out is net downhill.
On the narrow farm roads cars tend to take the whole road...I get over and dude just kind of looked at me today....I thought "what's in a wave?" Recognizing a persons existence? A nice howdy? This dude just kind of looked at me..?? He was probably to tired to wave?
Sure hope we can get some rain! I'm over 18 miles this week already! The vacation is going good! I golfed yesterday and hope to go tomorrow again! Peace!!
I made it out early and put in 91 minutes...45 out 46 back....the out is net downhill.
On the narrow farm roads cars tend to take the whole road...I get over and dude just kind of looked at me today....I thought "what's in a wave?" Recognizing a persons existence? A nice howdy? This dude just kind of looked at me..?? He was probably to tired to wave?
Sure hope we can get some rain! I'm over 18 miles this week already! The vacation is going good! I golfed yesterday and hope to go tomorrow again! Peace!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Flux is an odd word!
My training always seem to be in flux!! In constant change and movement! This week I will take tomorrow off and do my long run Thursday. I am planning on ALL DAY GOLF TOMORROW!!!!!
Today I did a (sort of) fast continuous rolling hills, then 9Xshort hill to finish with another 60 minute effort.
The "sort of" is my pace wasn't what I wanted....the temps are draining me it seems? Well I watered the trees, and now I'm gonna stay cool and spend time with my sweetheart Sandy! Peace!
Today I did a (sort of) fast continuous rolling hills, then 9Xshort hill to finish with another 60 minute effort.
The "sort of" is my pace wasn't what I wanted....the temps are draining me it seems? Well I watered the trees, and now I'm gonna stay cool and spend time with my sweetheart Sandy! Peace!
Monday, July 18, 2011
I am so excited!!! I get to veg out!!!I am on vacation!!! I did manage to get the run in early this morning, let me tell you we are hurting for rain here....I am losing first year saplings at an alarming rate.....I am having to haul water and that's no good.....please rain!!!
Sandy gets two days off with me so we went to town, ran errands, went to a movie "Zookeeper" got some real good ice cream 60 minutes of running today, I am moving the long run to Wednesday this week, building, building, building! Peace!
Sandy gets two days off with me so we went to town, ran errands, went to a movie "Zookeeper" got some real good ice cream 60 minutes of running today, I am moving the long run to Wednesday this week, building, building, building! Peace!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Whoops. almost forgot!!!
Seems to be the story of my life lately, forgetting! I do not believe it's a sign of old age but of overrun by life!! Have you ever been so busy you seemed to be rushing from one place to the next not even having time to take care the necessary aspects of life.....
So I get out of the house early because this day is stacked up with activity! I'm enjoying the peace! Not one car passed me for the first 20 minutes!!! Heard the Cardinal singing, a Hawk squawking, road kill....yuk...I could hear flies buzzing, I broke cob webs on a short dirt road that's part of my run....ahhhh...55 minutes of bliss! But then!! I remembered it's speed work day! 9x1 minutes @ HM pace with 1 minute rest. I did it and finished with a great week of running. 25+miles in 5 days. Now, since I am taking off an extra each week I can continue to build in time. Oh, btw....Vacation next week!!!!!!!Peace!`
So I get out of the house early because this day is stacked up with activity! I'm enjoying the peace! Not one car passed me for the first 20 minutes!!! Heard the Cardinal singing, a Hawk squawking, road kill....yuk...I could hear flies buzzing, I broke cob webs on a short dirt road that's part of my run....ahhhh...55 minutes of bliss! But then!! I remembered it's speed work day! 9x1 minutes @ HM pace with 1 minute rest. I did it and finished with a great week of running. 25+miles in 5 days. Now, since I am taking off an extra each week I can continue to build in time. Oh, btw....Vacation next week!!!!!!!Peace!`
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Feelin' the Runner thing....
I've pulled out the same singlet and shorts I wore when I ran Grandmas some years ago Man, I had the 4 hrs in the bag until the 20 mile marker! Suddenly and w/o warning my quads became concrete cinder blocks! It was a rough 10K on in and I missed the 4 hr mark by 6 minutes! The cloths remind me that I was really fit, and I did run well. Today, I found the zone even though it's hot and I'm a little tired. I had on the outfit and I felt the runner know? That place where you find peace, joy, contentment, that proverbial runners high! The strength that makes running easy? Gliding effortlessly, actually knocking off a decent pace and not gasping or huffing but a sweet rhythmical pattern that is a cadence for your feet.
I'm pretty encouraged after fighting back all these months to have found that one brief moment...hope I get it again, soon! 55 minutes today, up to 20.68 for the week, off day tomorrow!!!! Peace!
I'm pretty encouraged after fighting back all these months to have found that one brief moment...hope I get it again, soon! 55 minutes today, up to 20.68 for the week, off day tomorrow!!!! Peace!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Mercy!! What a difference 20 degrees can make! It rained here and I was able to get out while it was still raining lightly. I noticed extraordinary strength and stamina as I did a 45 minute hill workout. I did 19XShort Hill (1/10th mile long) my times averaged faster than normal, and I am not nearly as spent as I have been after these heat runs....this is why I am such a believer in Summer! It makes you strong!!
The rain was much needed, too. I hope to run 55 minutes tomorrow and take Friday off for the golf outing. Then a road interval training session on Saturday which will prob be 9X1 minute @ HM pace. So far 15.66 miles logged this week. Hope you are well! Peace!
The rain was much needed, too. I hope to run 55 minutes tomorrow and take Friday off for the golf outing. Then a road interval training session on Saturday which will prob be 9X1 minute @ HM pace. So far 15.66 miles logged this week. Hope you are well! Peace!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
It's all about ______
Today will be another scorcher! I managed another early run, yet my pace is still turtle-like! I really really need to shed this extra weight, and it is so frustrating to have been watching my intake so closely and not see any loss!!?? I look thin yet I know that this poundage is hurting me....I will continue the calorie counting...
I wonder what word you'd use to fill in the blank on this post title....It's really interesting to see how this blank changes as a person goes through life. I deal with people struggling with issues, financial, marital, spiritual, etc, and the answer to their problem and the solution can often be found when filling in the blank.
So, I have decided to add a day off to the running schedule. I have built a solid base and now can impart a structured training plan. I will take Friday off this week due to the golf tourney!! Otherwise it looks like Thursday will be my off day along with Sunday. 55 minutes today! Peace! (fill in the blank)
I wonder what word you'd use to fill in the blank on this post title....It's really interesting to see how this blank changes as a person goes through life. I deal with people struggling with issues, financial, marital, spiritual, etc, and the answer to their problem and the solution can often be found when filling in the blank.
So, I have decided to add a day off to the running schedule. I have built a solid base and now can impart a structured training plan. I will take Friday off this week due to the golf tourney!! Otherwise it looks like Thursday will be my off day along with Sunday. 55 minutes today! Peace! (fill in the blank)
Monday, July 11, 2011
It's On!!
Summer has turned up the heat, baby!! It is on!! Set a record yesterday with a is supposed to be with all due respect I took initiative and got out early!! I completed 1:25.21 of running on W north....the road called Scenic View is on this is the highest point in Christian in other words it's a big hill!!! That's the story of my life out here in the country....but I love it!!! Getting out early I encountered more traffic than usual so I spent time in the ditch prob...praying no snakes, too!
I took time to give some of my trees a drink of water today after I got are they looking good! I really owe you guys a picture or two because you've been following my tree exploits since I moved out here. Let me tell ya...they are doing great!! Hope you are enjoying Summer half as much as me!!! Peace!
I took time to give some of my trees a drink of water today after I got are they looking good! I really owe you guys a picture or two because you've been following my tree exploits since I moved out here. Let me tell ya...they are doing great!! Hope you are enjoying Summer half as much as me!!! Peace!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Toughness is an attribute that long distance runners have. When the desire to quit crawls up and whispers in your ear you need toughness, when the cramps that would debilitate the Terminator roll through your calves you need toughness, toughness: the inner strength to push on...the fortitude to be willing to hurt....most people quit at the first sign of pain....toughness!
Today I was thinking it was gonna be a bad run....I started off hurting every where! Slow, no energy, it didn't help that I worked on the yard for 2 hours! The heat is back and I needed a solid 50 minutes to round out my week. Around 1.5 miles I worsened and considered turning back....quitting! But I 25 minutes out I was still dragging but it was turn around time and also time to do my 8X1minute @ HM pace intervals. I thought why not see what will I launched into the workout. Turns out I began to feel good! I did the 8 intervals at HM pace and completed the run feeling better than when I started! Amazing!
I put in 28.01 miles this week. More than in many a moon for a week! I look so forward to next will be quite busy! I may be in trouble on Fridays run due to a golf tournament I am in, but a person needs golf, right?! Peace!!
Today I was thinking it was gonna be a bad run....I started off hurting every where! Slow, no energy, it didn't help that I worked on the yard for 2 hours! The heat is back and I needed a solid 50 minutes to round out my week. Around 1.5 miles I worsened and considered turning back....quitting! But I 25 minutes out I was still dragging but it was turn around time and also time to do my 8X1minute @ HM pace intervals. I thought why not see what will I launched into the workout. Turns out I began to feel good! I did the 8 intervals at HM pace and completed the run feeling better than when I started! Amazing!
I put in 28.01 miles this week. More than in many a moon for a week! I look so forward to next will be quite busy! I may be in trouble on Fridays run due to a golf tournament I am in, but a person needs golf, right?! Peace!!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Positive Influence!
A leadership truth is "you will have influence!" Regardless of who you are you will influence others by your actions, body language, and words. I always seek to be a positive influence. We have way too much negative in our daily lives! A study done some time ago yielded a startling stat, children, by the time they reach 5, have heard the negative, no, don't, etc, over 155,000 times!! The positive? Not even recorded!
If the kid brings home a B you say work harder! Instead say, great!!! Awesome!! Well done...
I always hope that my running will have a positive influence, too. I am such a believer in taking care of your body! Last night we had to eat choice! Busy!! I noticed that the vast majority of the people were terribly obese! What a shame! I had on a running shirt, looking good in my summer attire, tanned and slim, thinking, "if these folks only knew the wonder of running!"
My youngest boy is home now after graduating....he's chunked out pretty good but carries it well....he bought a bike and has been hitting the roads, he's been taking up better eating habits...he's thinking about quality of life! Hope I influenced him a little!
I felt much better today and got my 50 minutes in, I am up to 23.75 miles for the week with one more run to go. It's going to be a solid week. I can't wait to race....peace!!
If the kid brings home a B you say work harder! Instead say, great!!! Awesome!! Well done...
I always hope that my running will have a positive influence, too. I am such a believer in taking care of your body! Last night we had to eat choice! Busy!! I noticed that the vast majority of the people were terribly obese! What a shame! I had on a running shirt, looking good in my summer attire, tanned and slim, thinking, "if these folks only knew the wonder of running!"
My youngest boy is home now after graduating....he's chunked out pretty good but carries it well....he bought a bike and has been hitting the roads, he's been taking up better eating habits...he's thinking about quality of life! Hope I influenced him a little!
I felt much better today and got my 50 minutes in, I am up to 23.75 miles for the week with one more run to go. It's going to be a solid week. I can't wait to race....peace!!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Completely Spent!
Wow....I knew I was tired going into my run today but man, talk about bonking!!? After about 1.5 miles I was really running muscles were saying "no way!" I guess they were still tired from yesterday? So I survived on in and got 50 minutes of butt ugly running in today. I have been noticing Thursdays are a day I am tired. Perhaps I ought to consider resting? We will see.....Peace!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Let's get serious!!!
The fear of commitment!! Remember when you wanted to tell that special person you loved them but wanted them to say the three lovely words first? Fear and uncertainty, plus putting yourself out there!!! I am ready to get serious about this extra 13 lbs I have been unable to unload!
Most people I talk to say..."where you gonna lose it?" I already look slim and trim, yet we runners know! We know the extra little ring around the waist! The best marathon I ever ran I ran at 172 lbs. I am at 185 right now. I am 6'1" so I am a bigger runner.
I have been busting tail and not seeing any loss! So it's time to get serious about what goes in the mouth! I'm ready to make the commitment! Today so far; a bowl of cereal, 2 tbsp Chia seed soaked in water, one apple and 3 fig newtons. I have never been so well hydrated in my life since beginning the chia seeds btw. I will have to eat out tonight.....a meeting late today...I will seek some sort of salad....(to the tune of green acres) Good bye buffets! Hello I will graze.....corny!!
I did a total time of 44 minutes today, with 15X Short Hill. A real good effort. You know, like blood pressure is the silent killer, hills are the silent power! You will run stronger, more efficient, and faster with adding hills to your training I promise!! I decreased my time and increased my intensity today yet I am still at 16.44 for the week. Hope all is well with you!! Peace!
Most people I talk to say..."where you gonna lose it?" I already look slim and trim, yet we runners know! We know the extra little ring around the waist! The best marathon I ever ran I ran at 172 lbs. I am at 185 right now. I am 6'1" so I am a bigger runner.
I have been busting tail and not seeing any loss! So it's time to get serious about what goes in the mouth! I'm ready to make the commitment! Today so far; a bowl of cereal, 2 tbsp Chia seed soaked in water, one apple and 3 fig newtons. I have never been so well hydrated in my life since beginning the chia seeds btw. I will have to eat out tonight.....a meeting late today...I will seek some sort of salad....(to the tune of green acres) Good bye buffets! Hello I will graze.....corny!!
I did a total time of 44 minutes today, with 15X Short Hill. A real good effort. You know, like blood pressure is the silent killer, hills are the silent power! You will run stronger, more efficient, and faster with adding hills to your training I promise!! I decreased my time and increased my intensity today yet I am still at 16.44 for the week. Hope all is well with you!! Peace!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Nice and easy
After yesterdays wonderful encounter I thought I'd go down 2K hill on a nice and easy goal being 50 minutes today. I made it about 1K down the hill then it was time to turn around. I am focusing on form and ease, gliding if you will. I want to run high miles and I want to stay as injury free as possible. I am dealing with common aches and pains but nothing debilitating. I am currently rotating 3 pairs of Kayanos, a 15, 16, and 17! The 15's are kind of like racing flats now as they are very worn, I use them on hills and intervals. I usually will run the rubber way down before I retire them!! I think it keeps the feet strong if you rotate shoes, from real comfort to minimal in these temps it gives them a chance to dry! So I am up to 12 miles already this week! Hoping for 50 minutes of hills tomorrow! Peace!
Monday, July 4, 2011
So every now and then something odd happens? A guy slowed down as I was running and he began to berate me for endangering his family by my running on the highway. He said I needed to go somewhere else! Granted it is a state highway, but the traffic level is really low! Plus I always try to get out of the way by going into the ditch whenever a car comes. I happened to see a Copperhead snake just before he came by so I was hesitant to go into the ditch. The guy was really irate! Big (obese), bald, and mad! Poor guy...probably living an extremely frustrating life....usually mean, hateful, angry people are unsatisfied, unfriendly, unhealthy and lonely!
My response to him? I apologized and told him I try to get off the road when cars come...he speed off in his sad little world. I felt sorry for him....
I managed a total time of 80 minutes today. We finally received some rain so the temps are not so extreme. Hope you have a great day!!
My response to him? I apologized and told him I try to get off the road when cars come...he speed off in his sad little world. I felt sorry for him....
I managed a total time of 80 minutes today. We finally received some rain so the temps are not so extreme. Hope you have a great day!!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Heat runs
I finally got out by 10 am today for my the heat was on!! I sure was right where I wanted to be!! I revel in the heat, but it can be a silent killer, must be very careful!! I felt really good today? Strong, form was good, lots of energy? I had decided on 45 minutes with 7X1 minute intervals @ HM pace with a minute rest in between. I accomplished this and finished strong. I had a real good week! 4:59.10 total time on roads, long run, hills, and speed, to the tune of 25.8 miles for the week! Next week I keep building I will mix in some 50 minute runs, I will extend my long run time, too. Happy weekend! Celebrate your Liberty!! Peace!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Usually I post every run but yesterday forgot!! I think the heat is wearing me down a little? I saw spots on my run today!! I was getting a little dizzy so I slowed and gathered myself, I was able to pull out of it but the pace was atrociously slow. I do feel fine now and am not worried whatsoever about's just we have to be realistic about the heat when it is 108 heat index!!! Back in my thirties I was invincible but I am human? I will get out early tomorrow and I hope to finish out a really good week. I should wind up with 25-26 miles this week!! I keep building, and I am feeling real good physically and mentally besides all the spots I saw today! 43 minutes yesterday and 45 today! Peace!
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This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...
The home stretch I slept great last night! Truly like a baby! That was nice. W...
Keeps going and going and going...till Monday! I was totally exhausted yesterday! Even a high energy person like me can burn out and I was f...
Sticking with my TV theme from yesterday...The original Star Trek was a favorite of mine. Why? That statement "going where no man has g...