It was a blizzard! I almost turned back home but realized I'd have to run today anyway so I went ahead and ran the race. As I warmed-up the snow accumulated on me! It finally let up as we lined up to start. The turn out was real good. I'd say at least a hundred hardy souls.
Although this week consisted of a long run and strides, I decided for an all out effort for a gauge of fitness.
The gun went off and the splashing began! The roads were slushy and slick! It didn't take long for the pack to spread out. There were no mile markers so I could only speculate as to my pace. It was strong but I could tell the weeks training had me slightly fatigued. I passed two fit looking college age girls and one old Goober, probably my age, apparently he didn't like being passed so he hung with me and then went ahead.
I didn't worry about it, I just kept steady. We made the turn and here I felt pretty good. I found that smart running, even pace, good economy, sharp lines, had enabled me to pass Goober again. He didn't like it!! He was really sucking air and hot on my heels but it was here I passed another runner. An extremely svelte young lady who was toasting. Then with about a half mile to go or less I passed a young guy who was playing rabbit and Goober was struggling to keep up.
It was time for a kick as I saw the finish line and here came ole' Goober but not a chance! I stretched it out and beat him solid! It was fun! The clock said 24:06 so I'm pleased with the effort. That translates into a 3:54.57 marathon prediction. So? Maybe I can break four hours?
As I was racing I noticed I could not get to the all out effort. Just too tired. The weeks training had an effect so I think I can still bring the 5k time down. 5.8 total warm up, race, cool down.
40.0 for the week. Peace!