Saturday, January 31, 2009
Monday 10-12 hills
Tuesday off
Wednesday 6 ez
Thursday 6ez
Friday 5 marathon pace
Saturday 10k race total 9-10 miles
Sunday off= total 37+ for week
We'll see...depends on life. I will not be obsessed!
Friday, January 30, 2009
The ARRRGH factor
I raced extensively back in 1986-1993. I had one first place finish (in age group) believe it or not! The chips fell in my favor that day! It was a 10k in the springtime. Yet I always avoided the Marathon. I ran lots of 1/2's, dozens of 5 and 10K's , but the marathon was out of the question. Why? Too foreboding? Maybe. Uncertainty? Maybe. Too chicken?....maybe.
Finally in '03 I decided to get it done. I ran a very hilly, cold weather marathon in 4:05+.
It was a big deal to me at the time. Little did I know how difficult it would prove to break four hours after that. Today I believe I am on track and have a great plan to get there, as long as I can beat the ARRRGH factor! Keep the balance Grasshopper!
I ran 5.0 miles today with 30 minutes of it at 9:09's. Felt like I could run forever- runners high kicked in and I felt like I was floating!
Hope it's going good for you. Races are just around the corner! Yaw Whoo!~!~
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Bionic Man
Oh well, I guess you had to be there. I'm up to 28.9 miles for the week already! It's possible I may touch 40! That's a lot of miles for me.
There are already beginning to be many competing forces for race dates. My desire is to run at least four races before the April 18th Marathon. Yet it is looking to be a challenge. The key, of course, is balance. I tend to become obsessed with things, like breaking four hours for the marathon!
The four hour mark is something I really want to break. I almost had it in Duluth in '05. But at 20 miles I crashed and burned, but I learned. Bass pro in '08 wasn't even close! But I learned. Now, discovering all these blogs, I am learning more and more about the art of racing a marathon. Thanks peeps!
Hope the roads are clear and the wind calm in your neck of the woods!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wish granted
Every school is closed. Arkansas is without power, It's bad down there! The forecast is pretty good. Sunny skies and gradually warming temps. My speed work session is in jeopardy, though. I doubt the track will be clear by Friday.
I ran 4.9 at around 10's. Lots of folks shoveling, kids sledding, and one runner running! I love it! People drive by and give you this incredulous look-like "Ethel, what's that idiot doing?" I smile the whole way!
Seems like I recovered pretty good from the LSD run. I hope to get 5+ in tomorrow. I want to get into a race Feb. 7th. I'll have to drive about 40 miles, one way, to do it but its a biggy and I'd like to check my fitness level.
Have a good one!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009
Today I was determined to run at conversation pace (easy conversation, not gasping) the entire distance. With 23 degrees and a strong north wind I headed out for my long run. An out and back 17.4 miler in 3:12.02. That figures in at 11:02's. Pretty slow? But the last 5 mile segment I was still breathing easy and I was sub 10's! I am very encouraged!
All I could think about when I got in the door was recover, recover! I drank my chocolate milk, ate my fig newtons, and banana, in the middle of three phone calls-back log while I was out-and stretched easy. So off tomorrow. Ice storm movin' in! Two years ago we were hit hard by an ice storm. We lost power for three days, plus we were without water, too.
Hope all is going well in your training-peace!
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Whoa Nellie!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
"The Hotter that Hell 100" in Wichita Falls, TX. every year. I gathered quite a bit of information related to the GI tract and exercise (he said the veins looked good) so it was a very informative time, I made friends with the nurse, least I could do considering, plus as I was gurneyed back to my room the staff was passing on the word-"No sedation, no sedation " I felt like I'd hit the tape in 3:59! I was outta there not 20 minutes after the procedure! Eating!
The weather is on the upswing! 60's tomorrow. I will hold back, though. This is a rest week. I am only trying for 25-30 miles. I am always of my Axioms is "Leaders always learn" so I am thinking that during a rest week we must still do some form of speed work. Any suggestions or ideas or discoveries you have made would be appreciated. My speed day is Friday. Peace!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Redball Jets!

Monday, January 19, 2009
The Dream

Things have worked out so I can let up on mileage this week. I was able to put in 36.0 last week which is good for me, and I plan on still running five days but all of them easy runs. Today was 4.1 miles in 38:14-9:19's. Best mile at 8:50. I felt real good and this would be my ultimate goal marathon pace.
Today I had opportunity to watch Martin Luther King's Aug. '63 speech again. What a gifted leader and orator! Amazing! People, I'm telling you this man was extraordinary when it comes to communicating and leadership! Course you already know that but man I am so amazed by his giftedness! My heart was stirred again as I heard this speech. What a dream! I think in many ways his dream is being fulfilled, I was wondering what he would be thinking if he were alive today? Yet in many ways we are dealing with extremes never seen in this generation. Oh how we need leaders such as MLK!
Well, the sun is shining!! Better weather ahead! Peace-
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Fast off my feet

Friday, January 16, 2009
Instead, I hit the treadmill again and ran 6.5mph/1.0 incline for 30 min. equivalent to 9:09's my minimum hoped for marathon pace. Totalled 4.9 miles in 47:56. I remembered a tip from one of Dr. Sheehan's books; run like an Indian that's sneaking up on its prey. I practiced running quietly. A couple of times I turned it up to 8mph-that's 7:30's. Felt good.
I thought I'd share with you how messed up my diet is, no wonder I can't lose this last seven lbs, nearly everyday I'll have whole wheat waffles for breakfast with a huge amount of peanut butter spread on top! Plus Mrs. Butterworth (low fat) syrup. Or pancakes with my peanut butter, or bananas and a huge glass of milk with Ovaltine mixed in.
One thing about it this diet gives me energy! I'm hoping the additional miles to come will burn the last pounds off.
Hope it's great running weather for you-Oh-on another note, I got this idea okayed by the wife last night; If anybody wants to run the Bass Pro Marathon in November we have an extra room you are welcome to use. Sandy's only concern was for your comfort. We bought the youngest son a brand new queen sized mattress for his college apt. but his mattress in his room here at home is a little worn, but clean! We'll even pick you up at the airport, cart you around, etc. I was contacted yesterday about speaking there again this year, cool! Let me know, first come first serve. It is a pretty cool Marathon. Lot's of big names, Bill Rodgers, Dick Beardsley, Jeff Galloway, all attend.
Well back to work! Peace
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Robot Run

The temps are so unreasonably cold, -1 windchill, I opted for the treadmill. It's funny to think that back in the old days, (before I had a treadmill) on days like this, I would jog around the house...indoors!! Sandy though I was crazy! Still does. Anyway, it took me a while to warm-up today but I settled in at 6.3 mph at 1.0 incline. Equivalent to 9:26's. I felt like I could go much faster but I didn't want to blow tomorrows track work-out. Although I did several pick-ups to 7 mph. What I did was play! I like to have fun. So, since I was on a mechanical devise that is basically very precise I decided to work on my running economy. To become very precise, efficient, relaxed, and controlled. I actually fell into an nice rhythm and felt extremely strong, rhythmic (robotic) breathing was once every four steps.Totaled 5.0 miles in 50:30 including warm and cool. Tomorrow temps look to get into the 20's. Hope your run went well. Peace

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Arctic Blast

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Your input is appreciated. I would like to break the four hour barrier in the Marathon. I've come close twice, bonked bad my last time out. Peace!
Monday, January 12, 2009
So I will try this workout in my training program-I'll call it "The molasses run". According to the experts it is very beneficial for marathon training. It figures about 2 minutes per mile slower than marathon pace. I actually felt real strong at about 10 and felt like pushing, but I held back.
Here's how my training plan is developing:
Triple Whammy runs- Hills, push pace, and distance in one run-8.5-10.4 miles
Molasses runs- increase every other week by two-up to 22-24miles-
Track days-various efforts designed to improve overall speed and stamina-Yassos-1200's, etc,
The MP 400 push is my test of improved fitness.
Recovery days-4-6 miles easy pace-at or near MP
I will take Tuesdays and Sundays off completely.
Basically it was a nasty day on the roads! At several points I wanted to quit because of the winds but I'm big on persevering. That's one thing I like about runners, especially the ones who blog, they are dedicated and tough, they are determined and focused, they inspire me!
Hope you finished yours today! peace

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Services were great this morning and I'm so blessed! I run on adrenalin, man! That causes me to crash hard on Sundays. I feel like I've run a hard 10K after church!
I'm working hard to be ready for the long run tomorrow. Hydrating, resting, etc. I've decided, because of advice, to back off the pace on the long run. I will try to run 1-1 1/2 min. slower than Marathon pace. It will be frigid, but it must be done if I will break four hours!
Have a great run! Peace-
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The quads are sore! I must be making gains. Tomorrow is rest so they will have a chance to recover by Monday. I am thinking 16 miles, flat, LSD, for Monday. The long run is crucial for marathon performance, but I think you can run them too slow. I am hoping to keep the pace controlled but for performance. We'll see? So 5.5 EZ today in 55:21- first mile 11:30 so my EZ pace is getting faster, too. I was running so easy I disassociated for quite a while. Thinking of all my responsibilities, etc. It was a delightful day! 30.5 for the week.
Off to "The Star Theater" tonight. My band is playing, we are the headliner. This is a cool gig because the people are great, the place is packed out, and it's a neat venue. Like an old movie theater, or opera house. Hope your time on the road is good-peace
Friday, January 9, 2009
Track day

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Yes man
I still plan on the track tomorrow and employing "The MP 400 push". I look for 10 reps, at least, at or close to 5k pace with a 400 recovery at MP. The weather looks to be fantastic-50's and sunny- so the track may be crowded.
Well Glastonbury Running is off to the Disney Marathon. He has trained very hard and smart. It will be neat hearing his race report.
Have a great run! Peace.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Battlefield Hills
Man my quads were sore!! Even with three off days the track day was still having effect, although the ankle is better!
I am really looking forward to track day this week. I sure hope I can get on w/o bothering anyone. I want to work on my new idea "The MP 400 push"
The weather is cold but the wind, for once, is calm, so it was a wonderful day on the roads!
As I was running I was planning my training for the April 11th marathon. I am considering a three week taper. I wonder what others have learned about the best taper strategy?
Have a great run! I hope you have a route like Battlefield Hills. Peace!

Monday, January 5, 2009
So the question I ask is "what season am I in right now? Training! The way to a sub four hour marathon! Today requires a long run, however I may have to run long tomorrow, way to much work on my plate today.
I still need to decide on what marathon I will run this Spring. It's very difficult for me to get time off, and when I get it we really need to rest. The ministry is a very draining occupation. I'm looking for a Saturday event so I won't have to burn vacation time. Sandy and I like to get away to the deep woods and vegetate when we can. We went to Grand Marais Minnesota last time out and it was a fabulous time!
So I will aim for 30+ miles this week with a 13+mile long run. I really would like to hit the track, too, but the ankle is still not 100%. Seems like since I past 50 yrs old I'm in a constant battle with some type of minor, nagging, ailment. The good thing? The body still heals itself!
Be in season! Have a good run!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
No Run-No Rest
I decided not to run so that finishes my week at only 26.2 miles total. I'm really needing 30 but I'm worn out! Leading is really hard work! It's what I do though and I'm not complaining. I did miss an absolutely fabulous day for a run, I think we set a record for the all-time high temp!
It is probably good that I'm resting because I seemed to have tweaked my ankle on yesterdays speed session. It's not hurting but it's not right either. This morn it felt much better so rest is what the Dr. ordered. Have a great night and I hope your next run is good! Peace
Friday, January 2, 2009
Track day

Day Two

Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year
Most runner blogs are reviewing their '08 running year. Many folks had outstanding years! Congratulations!! My '08 was a come back year. I had to begin by walk running and weighing 196 lbs. I'm 6'1'' so that's not to heavy to begin with, I didn't look overweight but it sure told when I ran!
I had decided to run a marathon again. I had run two previously in '03, and '05. I began to build the miles and by June had built a good base of 20 mile weeks. Thus I began the training program. I ran a 5k in Sept, a 10k in Oct, and the Bass Pro Marathon in Nov. I was hoping to break four hours but I bonked terribly and finished with a 4:36. I lost 16 pounds last year, and got to where I could run without walking. I logged 1,284.0 miles in 2008 and that gives me 16,607.2 since I started keeping records back in 1985.
As I was out today running in the cold wind, yuk!, I was thinking about my goals for 2009. I am thinking three marathons, The Frisco in April, the Route 66 in October, and Bass Pro in November. I will run a bunch of 5 and 10K's for training purposes.
My ultimate goal is to break 4 hours in the marathon. Today I ran short-4.2 miler-the last mile was at 8:52 pace. I felt like I could hold this pace for a while. What if I could do this for 26.2? That would be around a 3:53 marathon. So how do I train the body to do this?
That's my goal! Train the body to run this pace for 26.2 miles.
I hope to hit the track tomorrow. I'm going to do some 400 repeats. Peace! And have a great running year!
This is the most wonderful time of year! I love the heat and humidity! Yet I still get out earlier due to my advanced age! 4.4 miles! ...
The home stretch I slept great last night! Truly like a baby! That was nice. W...
Keeps going and going and going...till Monday! I was totally exhausted yesterday! Even a high energy person like me can burn out and I was f...
Sticking with my TV theme from yesterday...The original Star Trek was a favorite of mine. Why? That statement "going where no man has g...